Too bad the Sonicware Smpltrek doesnt get enough love…it is fantastic.
You can’t not mean what you typed, right?!
Or can’t you not?
But why can’t you not?
I can’t even imagine Nottingham knotting the candoers and cuckolded candidates cursing their candy cratered caviar cavities. Eat the rich. Or something.
Yeah, yeah.
more mtr than performance sampler I guess… I’m still hoping for another go with this one down the line one day
Yo Capt. Did you prophesize the new M8 looking thingy the other day? Methinks you did! I will linketh you.
I can neither confirm or deny my confirmation or denial
Looks like a horizontal M8 to me homie.
that’s crazy, man just imagine if it focused on sampling…
I’ll be honest though, it sounds great but for their first foot forward to be an example of them making acid it will probably not go that way
Well they are asking for feedback on the product.
Maybe we could make magic with a nudgy nudgy winky wink.
oh I didn’t know that, well there might be hope yet
Heyo Polyend, YU no input line? Silly wabbit.
I hope the Envelope is snappier then on the Tracker.
I’m not really a tracker person, but I was willing to learn on the tracker, But the envelopes felt kind of useless to me for making percussive sounds. I wasn’t a huge fan of the filter either…
The performance mode and the way the roll function worked and sounded was top tier though.
yeah i’d love snappier envelopes
and a way to remove kill the inevitable clicks that happen!
i’m really hoping the release of this thing means there are some firmware updates that improve the OG tracker too… cos i do kinda love it still
I think it’s a looper kind of device.
Over time the filters became my most annoying element of the Tracker.
I’d make the start of a track on the PT and then move it into Bitwig, but I’d find something sounded bad as a result of a filter sweep that was harsh sounding and started thinking I needed to basically redo the track using Volcano or something better sounding.
Better sounding filters, user defined chords and a better arp would be huge advantages for a new firmware and should all be fairly doable I would think.
That’s where I praise the M8: clicks are take. Care of (it’s tedious and imperfect by nature, clicks can only be minimized but on the M8 I don’t experience any in most situations) and envelopes are snappy, even more so in v3 with different types of envelopes.
Both topics seem so essential for a device that is in essence a groove box.
Yes. It was my biggest issue. When you change volume in the sample window mixer or when you add volume changes in the sequencer, the volume changes kick in a few milliseconds late resulting in nasty clicks. It only clicks when you lower the volume obviously! In other words, the transient will be at full volume, while the remaining portion of the sample is at lower volume. And so you hear clicks (the transients). My guess is that the entire sample engine suffers from latency: the MIDI sequencer and sampler are not “lined up” properly. The internal sampler is always a couple of milliseconds late.
My first Tracker had this. I bought a second one after Polyend supposedly fixed the issue as stated on their Github, but alas… It was a lie! The Tracker kept on clicking.
I liked it as an 8-track MIDI sequencer, though.
yeah super annoying, i hope they address it
even modulating the pan results in clicks
They have addressed it. But then they didn’t… There’s countless posts on their Github about this issue. Some are marked as “solved”. But in reality, nothing is solved. And since it’s been an issue from day one, and since Polyend straight up lies about it, my guess is that they will never address it.
I can live with bugs. In the digital domain, bugs are to be expected. But this is something else than a bug. The sampler is just broken
lets hope that when ‘reviews’ of this new device come out they arent just surface level ‘its great’ … i havent read any reviews that have mentioned ‘panning a sample results in clicks’ … something i wouldnt even think could be an issue in the last 30 yrs + …
i’m sure this device would leverage their previous tech from tracker/play … starting again is madness.