Polyend Tracker Mini

Polyend has a history of aggressively silencing negative reviews, commenters. On their Youtube channel, Github, Facebook page etc…
There has been an occurrence in the comment section of the official Youtube video from the Polyend-Dreadbox Medusa in which, after an aggressive series of comments from Polyend, Dreadbox stepped up and apologizing, stating that they are not affiliated with Polyend in any way.
Polyend is an aggressive and rude bunch of people silencing criticism.
The Youtube comments have been taken down. I’m sure you can find some screenshots somewhere still


I remember that controversy. Polyend kept publicly calling a guy who had legit concerns “a crybaby.”

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Have a file you could share with this? I’d love to check it out.

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I remember the incident in question and Yiannis actually said that it’s an individual at Polyend, and came out supporting Polyend the company. I think some of the talk was about MPE support and Polyend announced to the people commenting that it was in beta numerous times. People were heavily trolling the Medusa.

I sort of understand why the individual got aggressive responding back. I can sympathize. Though it’s not a good face for the company, but I get where it’s hard to deal with people trolling a product. If it’s who I think it is I believe they aren’t at Polyend anymore.

For what it’s worth I haven’t seen any similar comments since and the few times I’ve contacted support to complain or ask a question they’ve been friendly and quick to respond.


It’s not a single incident. Their Facebook page used to have the same sort of issues. Same for Github.
Even over e-mail, they don’t have the most welcoming attitude.
But whatever :slight_smile: It’s not my concern anymore. Just trying to make people aware of it. The click issue on the Tracker is a big problem. But take it all how you will.
Cheers :v:

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I don’t know why, but Polyend seems to attract trolls. So you just kind of have to bake that in. By far the worst thing about the Tracker for me was never bugs or clicks or anything. It was the other users of it. Even here on nauts, which is usually pretty even-keeled, I had to mute the channel.


Unfortunately most - if not all - early/ day 1 “reviews” will likely praise the thing no matter how well it works while mentioning a couple of token “issues” and ignoring one or two glaring flaws, as usual.

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Hmmm ? :thinking:

Polyend Tracker <=> Polyend Tracker Mini

Perhaps they’re related ?

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If other users of the machine are worse than those annoying loud clicks, then I guess you’re the troll LOL. Joke’s on you

Yeah. I’m saying I think it was the same person. Though I’m not 100% sure, but these aren’t big companies. Definitely good to be aware of past issues. I also don’t want to put out the impression that they are horrible to their users. When in general that isn’t true.

I think Polyend goes the route of releasing beta hardware/software instead of having complete and bug free software at launch. Which probably is why they have so many complaints and trolls. I both get it and am annoyed that they are that way.

Still would love to test this out. I don’t have annoying clicks and I want to troubleshoot it to see if I’m missing something. I’m wondering if it’s simply the sample. It sounds related to ending or starting at a non-zero crossing suddenly which of course will click. And would be solvable with FX and fade/volume etc.

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Do you lot remember when speculation threads were fun?


No. Nothing like that :slight_smile:
The instructions to get the clicks are in my previous post:
Load any sample (without a baked in fade in)
Lower the volume of said sample (slider or seq FX)

Note: make sure the sample does not have a silence in the beginning

Nowadays postivity is forbidden it seems. At least around here.


No, they’ve always spiralled into a sea of pain

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Normally takes a few more than 100 posts tho…


Ha! Luckily some of us can ride the wave back to the beach for fish tacos and cocktails!


So, back to topic, is that screenshot real? It looks like to be only 4 track tracker?



I would estimate the shift button + 1-4 will get you to tracks 5-8.