PRO-VS. Polyphonic 4-Voice Hybrid Vector Synthesizer with Presets and full Midi implementation modeled after the Prophet VS from 1986 but with many extra functions. This little monster has 127 wave tables and 32 presets plus sequencer and arpeggiator.
Development is completed and once we receive chips it’ll go straight into production.
It feels crass to like a bit of gear today, but that’s a lovely little product - the original is a true great, hopefully this has at least a taste of that grit … analog filters, wow, looking forward to getting this - moving into that ‘volca’ space is a welcome surprise - hopefully it offers a different vibe to the wonderful evolver - it certainly looks more direct than the desktop
This is a pretty awesome re-imagining, not gonna lie. I don’t need it and won’t get it, but its much more in line with what I’d actually want from behringer’s recreations
another synth you can’t afford not to have at 100 bucks. and only having 4 voices leaves the door open for them to sell us the full voiced PPG wave. so exciting, in addition to the supposed ubxa desktop
I looked over the set of photos here. It has a very functional appeal, a good range of controls with a sensibly layout. One needs to keep in mind this is a $100 synth, but it has a display, and a joysyick, a two octave touch or touch membrane keyboard, thirteen pots, and a sync and DIN MIDI connection.
The keyboard has LEDs, and multiple functions including an alphabetic keyboard, for patch naming. There’s an arp, and a sixteen step sequencer, etc.
A lot depends on how good it sounds, and the detail of the interface and functions.
This is the type of behringer I like to see… not the other “cork sniffing” rampant clone making stuff… take a concept from a synth and make it your own!
You’ve read the SynthAnatomy article now too, so you saw their conclusion, that a digitally controlled analog filter is likely. I’d think the analog VCAs would be too.
That’s pretty good bang for the buck if it does, imo.
Ah, so that was speculation on their part? I thought that had come from Behringer. I’d also imagine they’d go with VCF’s and VCA’s; they’ve got the means in terms of chips etc and I’d imagine they’d be able to implement them on a 4 voice basis in such a dinky package with SMT but I’m no dev engineer?
@Norb raises a good point here. Maybe the Baby VS will be all digital if they’re basing their PPG synth on the later models which had VCF/VCA? They’ve no doubt got access to software engineers that could implement some fairly decent virtual filters etc. That way they’d be able to keep costs down whilst still offering choice between analogue and VA