Hello! A bit confused about something here, I was under the impression that if I were to switch Banks, I could also switch the sample assigned to each machine.
I.e, Track 1 has sample X assigned to it on Bank A, but then has sample Y assigned to it on Bank B
Everything I’ve read tells me that this is what should happen, but for some reason when I assign a new sample it changes that sample on both banks. I feel like this has something to do with Parts, but I don’t exactly know what. I’ve saved the Part for each bank individually before and after assigning the new sample on Bank B, but no luck. Where am I screwing up?
Banks and patterns don’t change the samples.samples are linked to parts,you have 4 parts across all the banks and patterns per project.parts also control scenes and effects, patterns and banks are mainly for the trigs
So when you go to the new bank or new part, don’t change a sample you have already loaded in a slot like 1-8 for example… Load it to a higher number unused slot in the flex/static list like 9 in this case if 1-8 are already used…
Just make sure you link a pattern to a part,example pattern 1 to part 1, pattern 2 to part 2, pattern 3 to part 1, pattern 4 to part 3. Any pattern or bank can be linked to any part
Fantastic, thank you all for your replies, that’s exactly what I was doing wrong, attempting to load the sample for Bank B into the same slot as the sample for Bank A. Duh!
How would you actually do this in the Octatrack? I am trying to do something along these lines:
Part 1-> Bank A samples 1-8
Part 2-> Bank B samples 9-16
Part 3-> Bank C samples 17-24
Part 4-> Bank D samples 25-30
The goal is to have 4 complete songs on the OT. I can do this on the A4 using kits and song mode no problem. But I am getting stuck on how to get this working with different samples assigned to each bank/part on the OT.
On bank/part one assign tracks 1-8 to sample slots 1-8 and load your samples…
On bank/part two assign tracks 1-8 to sample slots 9-16 and load your samples…
On bank/part three assign tracks 1-8 to sample slots 17-24 and load your samples…
Basically never change the samples you’ve already loaded to slots, instead when using a new bank/part assign new higher number empty slots to the tracks and load your samples there…
The slots are project wide, if you change the sample in slot one then any part with a machine assigned to slot one will play the newer sample you changed it to, whatever sample was in slot one before will be gone. That’s why instead you assign the new parts machines to higher slots and load the samples there…
In case it’s not clear, when you go to your second bank/part and access the sample list for track one, you’ll see that it is slot 1(most likely) that is highlighted with the name of the last parts sample in it. Leave that be and use the arrows to scroll down until slot 9 is highlighted then press enter, now load your sample…
Yep, and you do have 4 parts per bank, so if you want you can have different samples or machines/fx/etc. within one bank…
For future reference you can also sample lock specific slots to individual trigs on patterns. This technique uses one part but overrides the sample played on a per trig basis, these are stored directly in the pattern sequence and not in the part…
thanks, ok, so if I don’t want sample in slot 1 to play, can I mute it and use slot 9 sample for the second bank/part on the OT? I will do some experimenting.
Parts define default track sample slot / machine, but you can plock any sample slot (Flex or Static, depending on the machine).
Sample locks : press trig + down arrow or level knob, in any part.
You can mute tracks, not samples.
Default new pattern uses part 1 of the active bank.
Changing bank means changing part.
Default new bank part 1 uses Static, and each track has a default Static sample slot corresponding to its number : T1 = Static slot 1, T2 = Static slot 2, etc.
Same if you change a Static to a Flex, a track will have a default Flex sample slot corresponding to its number.
So I guess OctaEdit can help to change all 64 parts default settings !
Very difficult for me to understand OT without experimentations ! I needed several months (years ? ) to be familiar with part / machine / sample slots logic.