PSA: Logic Pro midi reset commands set velocity globally to 0 on digitone II

Hey, I just discovered this after noticing some weird behavior from my digitone II while it was plugged into my mac with Logic Pro open.

The symptom: the velocity parameter for a seemingly random set of trigs and tracks would be set to zero.

The cause: external midi reset parameters. To fix it, I disabled all the check boxes in this menu:

I had it connected to record audio out of my digitone. I had to boot up a midi packet sniffer to figure out the culprit.

In this case, it’s CC4 that caused the issue. I don’t know exactly what determined which tracks were affected - maybe it was the active track at the time I hit stop, or maybe its all tracks that are available for external midi control.

I think this feature might be the culprit for a few bizarre issues that I’ve had recently with other midi gear. Just thought i’d share this in case others have been caught out by it!


Welcome @tomorrowproblem.

Not sure to understand the issue.
Elektrons send notes with velocity 0 as notes off, which is a midi standard.

These are midi commands that Logic is sending and that are being received by the Digitone, not the other way round.

If the Control 4 box is ticked, then Logic sends a value of 0 for CC 4 when you click the Stop button. This corresponds to the velocity CC for trigger parameters for the digitone 2.

So, after you press stop, then trigs on some of your tracks will have whatever value they previously had overridden to zero.

This isn’t an issue or a bug, or anything wrong with the digitone. It’s just an unexpected interaction with a feature in logic. I’m surprised that these midi reset commands are enabled by default in logic. I think this could be very confusing if you weren’t expecting it.

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I think this is the same problem reported before, at least once here.

Good to have it as a PSA though. :slight_smile:


and similarly, covered here …

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I see. Thanks for clarification. Maybe you should specify it at the beginning of original post.

I think I read that somewhere here…