Push 3 Users Thread

US users did your push 3 come from Germany or from a distribution center in the states? I won’t be back in the states until the last day of the coupon deal. I need to figure out if I will have it shipped home or my friend’s house

Am I right, that there has nothing happend on the M4L Front in Terms of opening it more up since the launch of P3?

I think you are probably wrong though I am not an expert in this. As far as I understand they made something available in one of the first betas after the first update.

Anyway what is currently possible is to use any m4l device that has been made ready or you can make a device ready yourself. Every parameter that can be accessed via P3 screen can be used and you can easily edit what parameters this is in the Max editor.

It is currently not possible to use the grid with m4l devices in standalone for example for alternative sequencers.
Can’t imagine any reason why this will not come though. How long it will take is of course a different question

So says the one who inspired my OP-1F acquisition :crazy_face:

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My came from a US Distribution facility.

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Mine did as well - Tennessee if I recall correctly.

Was it UPS that did the freight ? If so I think I can use the MyChoice to hold it at a location nearby by house.

Mine shipped through FedEx, just checked my email for the tracking notice.


Yes, definitely FedEx.


Thanks I just ordered mine with the 20% off coupon my best friend is receiving the package for me while I’m out on holiday.


Good choice, I’m sure you will have a lot of fun with it.

Have a nice holiday!

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I wish they offered these 20% discounts to everyone as it surely would tip me over at this point. In case there’s anyone out there with this type of offer and you’re not interested in using it (and it’s transferable / a discount code), you know I’m here. :wave::innocent:

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Having missed the Push user’s coupon code email, I’m hoping for a Black Friday deal. :crossed_fingers:


That‘s not true, you can access the grid via m4l in standalone.

One example here where I grabbed the grid to have visual feedback for a sequencer:


Nice :blush: I will check it out. Guess there is something I am not understanding then. Is there any reason why the sequencers that worked with push 2 pads cannot use the pads on P3 other than developers not enabling them for P3?

Find the part in a patch where they look for Push and rename it to Push3 (no space between name and number) chances are it will work when it is about the grid.


Keep your eyes on reverb as well, their official page there had the 20% sale a while back as well.


I don’t quite understand this. Why would Reverb have a promo when Push 3 is only available direct from Ableton?

Yeah, I’m guessing that must have been for Push 2, since Push 3 is sold exclusively from ableton.com. Either way, reverb is US only right? I’m based in Sweden.

It’s sold by Ableton on reverb, they have their own page like most retailers. Up until this week it was 20% off. Also, yea it was located in the US. But here is a link if anyone wants to keep an eye on it.
Ableton Push 3 (Standalone) https://reverb.com/item/72794214?utm_source=android-app&utm_medium=android-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=72794214

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