Got it. Great for US buyers, but ends up being more expensive than buying straight from for Europeans.
I will accept defeat
…and keep looking for Push 3 deals
A little afternoon groove on the Push 3 Stand Alone:
May you find one SoonWu…
Dibek I just found this device yesterday, great job! I saw you mention potentially being able to set mute states for the steps via the grid? Would be a cool update. Thanks for your work!
Thanks, please mind that I didn’t build the sequencer, I only integrated Push a bit.
I‘ll make setting mutes via Push but it may take while, hope meanwhile it’s useful nonetheless.
I hope Ableton makes a USB mixer like the Livid DS1. That would be the ideal partner for the standalone Push.
Yes, I’ve used the original quite a bit so it was exciting to find a version for P3. Even without the mutes it’s very useful as is!
My latest rant on using Virus TI with P3S, bit more focused on iPad/AUM than Push, but still might be interesting:
Anyone want to play some Ableton Live Tennis. Here’s a little groove I got going today using Simpler and some LoopMix derived Drum Loops…it should load fine on to the Push 3 or desktoxp.
The Groove:
Appreciate the pointer! However, with the current currency exchange rates and then 25% EU VAT, import fees and shipping, this deal would end up costing 12-16% more than buying it brand new from
Probably a decent deal for someone in the UK though.
Oh i thought you were UK. My bad
I’m in Sweden. No way for you to know, and I appreciate the thought!
For potential Push 3 users who are lurking here and interested in trying one in person, I just got an email from Ableton about various “hands-on” events they’re sponsoring.
Nothing for folks in North America but opportunities in the UK, EU, and Japan:
Just bought a push 3 standalone
Can I spdif connect it to my rme babyface?
EDIT: Whoops – my bad. My brain automatically translated “SPDIF” to “ADAT”! ADAT yes, SPDIF no.
Yes you can.
Key things to consider:
Which machine is sync master? In current beta version of Push FW you can choose this in settings menu; in most up to date release version you need to set through software on your computer. See the Push 3 audio interfaces thread for more info.
I don’t think you can to the babyface with only adat for expand it with more inputs only
Looks like you can have a 30 day trial and they cover return postage
Yes, but a potential buyer still has to shell out $2K for this. I think a lot of folks who are not comfortable with doing this w/out using one hands on. Just pointing out options for folks in this boat.