Re-Trigger does effect other scene

Hello there
I have an issue with the re-trigger parameter which i’m using for scenes.
When I’m on Scene A and the retrig is at min (standard) and at Scene B as well, everything works fine.
But, as soon as I am changing the retrig parameter on scene B to something greater than 1 (e.g. 20 for some fast snares), the retrig also effects the parameter on scene A.
This is quite annoying as I can’t use retrig for scenes as one scene always corrupts the other, even when the slider is fully on the othere scene.

RETRIG = 1 is default and minimum value.

Scene A with crossfader fully left should behave with default value if you plock Scene B.

What if you plock RETRIG = 1 to Scene A?

If it doesn’t work properly, you may need to calibrate your crossfader. Check its displayed state (bottom right of screen).
You can check it more precisely in test mode (Power on holding Func, press trig 1, move the crossfader and check leds behavior, should be symetric)


Ok wow that was really the case. I had to calibrate the cross-fader.
That explains a lot! Thank you so much.

Hot to calibrate, I found a post by [gundorf]:" To reset the x-fader press function + scene b while in test mode."

Source: (Calibration of scene crossfader? - #4 by gundorf), [Nov '17]

