Anyone recommend a decent usb hub to use with iPad. I will be using it with Steinberg ur22c audio interface and korg nanokontrol.
I looked on amazon and came up with this one
But then I saw on the teenage engineering site they recommend this one
I started reading about problems with different ones regarding speeds etc so don’t want to make a mistake.
Also does it definitely need to be powered if my audio interface has power option
I have 2 of these, very happy with them:
The first one I got 3 years ago, never had problems.
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Cheers mate, will check it out 
Anker has never let me down. I’ve had a hub of theirs for many years and it’s still my go-to
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Cheers, will have a look at those 
I’m pretty sure the lightning port iPads are the ones that require power. USB-C should be able to supply without. I just purchased a rshtech 7 port last week, and so far I haven’t had any issues. I use it on a Mac and it works fine with or without the power cable.
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Ok thanks, mine is iPad Air 2 so yeah it’s lightning, the rshtech is a good price and only 4 ports which should be sufficient for me, seems to have decent reviews