Sound on Sound have posted this this interesting interview with Pete Cannon, showing his jungle production process with a couple of old Akais (an S950 and an S1100), and Amiga running Octamed, and an Atari ST running Cubase 2:
The sounds are making me feel nostalgic! There’s also a free sample pack you can d/l, link in the vid description.
Really been on a Pete Cannon/jungle binge since I got my Polyend Tracker. There’s something magical about the sound of those breaks. Is there any way to recreate that akai sound in the computer? Alternatively, any known sound packs that have been through the akai that I can feed to my tracker?
Bitwig has a pretty authentic “cyclic” timestretch oprion and a great bit reduction / sample rate reduction / jitter introducing / digital noise adding plugin to emulate old sampler grainyness.