While I keep my fingers crossed that maybe the Digitone arp makes it’s way over to the Digitakt eventually, I just thought I’d ask…
I’ve seen lots of people using the above cable to make the Digitakt polyphonic, but has anyone been using to give The Digitakt a Midi arp?
Not sure if hooking an external keyboard up gives you control over how the arp works, or if you can do it from within clips, or if it’s basically unusable cos you have to adjust the bpm?
You could do this with an OT easily, or even a DAW.
Other than that you’re going to need something that creates/sends a midi arp- perhaps there’s a way to program this cable to do this or get a midi processor to do this, but I reckon with equipment like that, the cable will only be used for arpeggiation which seems less useful than making the cable poly.
Ha, only just saw this, just as I was thinking about trying some generative stuff the other day…this looks awesome!
Have just ordered one, can’t wait to start messing with it
Hey there cross posting on this thread as midigal was talked about here as well:
just set the midigal I bought up with the midipal firmware installed to use to play chords on my Digitakt 2 and for some reason it’s not dispatching to multiple channels…
I have my arturia keystep 37 set to midi channel 10 and that running into the midi in of the midigal then a midi cable running from the midi out of the midigal to the midi in on the digitakt.
I have dispatch up with the input and the output set to 10.
Num is 4
Mod is cycle
Pol is 4.
It’s only monophonically so I’m confused what I’m doing wrong…