Samples / Cycles Trig keys helper template for those interested

Edit: Apologies for f-up in the template, corrected it. It was late :sweat_smile:
Please find the corrected version below.

As I find it a pain to easily find the natural and the flat/sharp keys among the trigger buttons I made myself a template I can stick above or below the row of buttons. Each row fits perfectly with the row of buttons. I thought someone else might find this handy as well, either for samples or cycles.


Elektron trig template contour.pdf (712.2 KB)


Thanks so much for sharing your template. I’m so used to piano keys that I still confuse myself with the Samples keys - it’s a pain, as you say. Thanks for doing it.

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Corrected a huge mistake in the template. Apologies.

Yes, I can see it now! Thanks for fixing it.

I made this one a few years back.