I think we could start collecting Sound programming Tips Here for the Digitone.
Let me start by asking a question.
I created a few Patches by using presets as a starting Point. I noticed that i had with some an irritating click at the start of a sound. I only can get rid of that click by using a high Pass Base width Filter. Which of course Changes my Sound too much? All Attack Times on all envelopes are Set to a longer setting. Where could that click come from? And what Else can i do against it?
building on this you can get the kick more snappier by using a one shot lfo (“hlf”-mode) modulating the pitch of all operators (“pitch all”). works best with an “exp”-lfo waveform setting. adjust speed and depth to taste.
This sounds more like the attack of the amp is a bit to steep. Try keeping the Attack on the AMP ADSR at around 2-8 to reduce clicks from the oscillator resetting (or just starting at any odd value…)
0 attack is really 0 on the Digitone so… It will click! (However is usable with AENR off)
Thanks @Ess i Just thought it must be something Like that. But i am Sure i Set also the Amp Attack to 6 or something Like this. Let meine See If i can reproduce it. If i can i will Open a Support Ticket.
remember that the two lfos can be used as additional operators. to get weird wide sounds try for example a very fast lfo in the 2k range on the panning and bring in delay to taste.
to give a bass sound extra punch, layer it with a second sound and place a kick on that. adjust the attack times so that the kick hits immediately and the bass shortly after.
for a wide bass, turn on chorus, but make shure, that it doesnt affect the low frequencies