Single cycle waveform sample chains!

Hello guys,

There is an exciting sample pack for the OT that I just posted in the Sandbox section.
I allways come to the forum straight in to the OT section so in case is not showing to all users here is the link to my site, with a wider explanation of the content and technique.

I was seriously waiting fr an extreme update for the OT this christmas lolol, seeing that it was not going to happen I decided to have fun with something else… and here it comes, something hard to get bored of…

The link is at the bottom of the page.
Hope you guys enjoy it… Im having terribles amounts of fun with it!! xD

And Happy new year!!


Thank you and Happy New Year!

Very cool. Thank you!

Updated version of the Library!!

It took me actually quite a long time as many folders had different number of files, now the collection os Sample Chains is a serieous one… Some of the chains contain less slices than the original folder from AFWF but I think is enough… 4400 WF tuned in C, more than 100 chains, plus a Noise Sample Chain I added that is incredibly fun!!

As promised here it is:

Looking forward to see some stuff coming from this swiss army knife!!


You…the M-MAN!!!

Thanks alot!!

That is totally brilliant.

You know, you could totally start a single waveform thread where you give people who don’t know how instructions on how to slice them and then people could contribute their own also.

Just a thought. I’d be keen - some simple sine from the CS50 would very good to slice.

Yes I will be doing some video tutorials with this technique explaining the whole process so more people can contribute to this massive collection… I will be adding Waves from my most used presets in the Virus TI, Nord Modular, MS20, aswel as other circuit bended and Retro devices I own…

I also have a template to create Sample Loops Super Chains, I called this technique Matrix Slice, is being covered somewhere here in the forum, but what this does is you load lets say 16 loops of 1 bar duration (16 steps), and after using the Template I made you end up with 16 files… the first one contains 16 slices with step 1, file 2 contains 16 slices with step 2 and so on… Then you P-Lock file 1 to step 1, file 2 to step 2 etc. And asigning the Start parametter to a scene allows you to do serious audio mangling with the crossfader…

This is an extremely powerfull technique for under controlled loop variations that sound great no matter what you feed on it xD…

The thing is that, this whole Slicing Technique is doable in many other software and hardware packages, so a good explanaition with sound examples would be great…

Give me 2 weeks and will be coming with the template, audio samples and a video showing the whole thing :wink:

Hey Multiman Big Thanx for the Chains…Tut. Videos would be great

Yes I will be doing some video tutorials with this technique explaining the whole process so more people can contribute to this massive collection… I will be adding Waves from my most used presets in the Virus TI, Nord Modular, MS20, aswel as other circuit bended and Retro devices I own…

I also have a template to create Sample Loops Super Chains, I called this technique Matrix Slice, is being covered somewhere here in the forum, but what this does is you load lets say 16 loops of 1 bar duration (16 steps), and after using the Template I made you end up with 16 files… the first one contains 16 slices with step 1, file 2 contains 16 slices with step 2 and so on… Then you P-Lock file 1 to step 1, file 2 to step 2 etc. And asigning the Start parametter to a scene allows you to do serious audio mangling with the crossfader…

This is an extremely powerfull technique for under controlled loop variations that sound great no matter what you feed on it xD…

The thing is that, this whole Slicing Technique is doable in many other software and hardware packages, so a good explanaition with sound examples would be great…

Give me 2 weeks and will be coming with the template, audio samples and a video showing the whole thing :wink:
you’re super awesome.
Is the technique you mention this one?

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Yes!! that’s the one!!

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^ niiiice!

what do you mean by template? some sort of script that allows you to batch create chains?

Hey, No is not a script its an Ableton Project.

There are a couple of MIDI clips with triggers placed accordingly… then what you do is load 16 loops one after the other on an audio track, consolidate them, Slice them in to a new MIDI track using Bars instead of Transients or any other method…

Once this is done, all you have to do is load the MIDI clips I provide in the newly created drumrack and export.

Will be easier to see what I mean when I do the tutorial, it takes less than a minute to do the whole process…

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Really appreciate these. Thank you.

im trying this by myself 'cos a normal approach takes toooo loooong.

I just have an hurdle…if im going to slice the consolidated clip (containing the 16 loops of 1bar) by 1/16 note in order to get all those 1/16th from the loops…Ableton tells me i cant because i’ve exceeded the limit of 128 slices to put in drumrack, so it won’t slice.
If i do it using BAR as you wrote it will create a slice for each loop (but it looks like i got where i was before consolidating)…I hope i wrote clearly (i doubt but i hope=)

Sorry if i bother - i just got some spare time for this and dont know when i will have again…


Hey man you are nearly there, sorry it was my mistake, you use 1/16th notes slicing in Ableton not bars, you are right Ableton just let you do 128 slices for the drum rack and you need 256, you have to actually consolidate the 16 loops in to two chunks of audio equally long…

It is hard to explain it without visual feedback but is quite easy once you see the process. The MIDI files I created trigger the right notes of the first 8 loops, another channels triggers loops 9-16…

I created a template for 16 loops, another for 32 loops and another for 64 loops…

I promise I will get back with a video tutorial and text explanation with links to the templates… I’m sorry but I’m quite in the oposite situation than you :slight_smile: … I have quite a few busy days going on, but it will come… and will make things faster :wink:

Hope that helps, if you still struggle send me a provate message and Ill try to help out!

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Ooooh yeah Julian! I got it…it really works faster!

Thanks a lot!

Can’t wait for your tutorial…

have good busy days !

Sounds a lot like a technique I figured out last year:
Seriously good fun if a little(!) time consuming :wink:


Hey there Wascal…you have been credited somehow…at least in this thread there is a link to your old thread!
big thanks again!!

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Sounds a lot like a technique I figured out last year:
Seriously good fun if a little(!) time consuming ;)[/quote]
All good, I only read the first bit of the thread earlier - I’m looking forward to loading up these single cycle chains when I get home! I tried doing something similar but ended up with a clicky mess and gave up :wink: