With Shapes + Memory, Oora’s majestic Sound Pack for Analog Four, you get to dip into the sonic forms and audio echoes of the distant past.
These enthralling sounds are brought into focus once again through a collection of 50 evocative synth patches that stimulate and untether in turn. Some of these will likely trigger feelings of familiarity, and others will lead you down a path of discovery toward the unknown. All are grade-A quality and will captivate as you unfurl your own soundscape. Dabble with the arpeggiator - where many of the patches really stand out - to extend the range of possibilities.
Check out more gorgeous synthspiration from composer and sound designer Oora, who has crafted an EP made solely from the pack, available on his Bandcamp.
Listen to more of Shapes + Memory and purchasehere.
But it’s not all Analogue Four is it? Or I mean, can one make that music with just one Analog Four, no post-processing, multi-tracking, etc? The bandcamp album is using plugins and laying tracks in the DAW, yes?
I don’t have an Analog Four and am trying to understand its limits, it’s on my list of eventual-to-buy gear.
You can do that and I’ve seen many people in the last 10 years who have recorded really good long tracks or sessions using only Analog Four. However, when it comes to the release, I think very few people do without post processing such as EQ or compression. I mean, you can post it without post processing, but then it won’t be the standard sound that most people are used to.
And of course you have to learn how to use the performance mode of the analog four correctly. A lot to programing but it is possible.
Edit: This is not my best or well thought performance but its just made with performance mode programming on Analog Four. No EQ or compression or any effects (except intern analog four delay, reverb, chorus), just limited (-3db) to win the loudness war YouTube pushed it down by almost 7 dB.
I think this video is pretty important to understand how the pack is intended to be used. Meaning that the core sounds are pretty dry to be made interesting with effects. I prefer the approach to most other sound packs or factory content that often try to show off how crazy the machine can go but aren’t that useful for making music. But I can see some people being disappointed by the sounds.
I like this approach too but honestly would have preferred to have sound examples with only internal effects and an explanation perhaps that the sound demos are used together with an AH +FX just so you know.
Sounds really good still and I have an AH+FX so can’t complain
It’s also really difficult to create a sound pack for the masses that can be used by everyone and made good music straight away. I also used to work more in my sound packs to try to show how crazy the Analog Four or Digitone can go. You could then use these tricks or in other words “experiments” (LFO settings for example) for your sounds or simply change them. Today I try to leave everything as dry as possible without it becoming uninteresting. However, this makes work more difficult or different and free experimentation with sound design is lost when you have to keep the limit in mind and get to work. I haven’t found the right way yet…