Could someone please give me an example of where the Spatializer works well. I have tried it in lots of scenarios but not found it particularly useful. I have found that if you whack things right up on it you can get sounds similar to what you would get from the Comb filter but obviously that is not the intention here.
I agree with darenager, great on pads and/or drones, more slower evolving sounds, applied tastefully. Mid and Side Gain parameters used against each other work really well together, almost like a Equalizer for a stereo image.
Does anyone know exactly what the mid and side gain options do? The manual says practically nothing about them. They do basically sound like eq adjustments but I would really like to know more.
I have a mono line in from an Ipad app and use the spatializer on that to airy it up a little and give it a little OT flavor so the pieces mix together better.
It sounds to me like a typical Haas delay implementation, which is essentially a virtual doubling of a mono signal (think vocal doubling without the hassles), with some checks and balances to deal with the phase cancellation created by the time offset. The M/S thing is the balance control between the additive (L+R) and subtractive (L-R) signals.
It was put in vogue in the late 80s by some of the pricier yamaha rack effects (I forget which ones), and is still used. Think of it as a “dryverb” or, as you say, alternative comb effect. By modulating DPTH and WDTH you can also create a bit of a bulging (as opposed to sweeping) chorus.
I’ve had my OT for some time now and realized recently that I still don’t think I understand the spatializer effect. How are people using it? I’m assuming it needs p-locking/scene locking to be effective. When I go to use it, it seems to result in very little change to the stereo image. Anyone care to share their settings and workflow with it?
Edit: I know I just need to sit and experiment with it, perhaps try modulating parameters with an LFO or two, but any insight from users here would be appreciated.
I’ve been using spatializer on my drums lately. I like how it sounds, but I worry it’ll ruin my mix in ways I don’t realize. When I sum to mono, I think it sounds fine. Does anyone use spatializer this way?
I barely use Spatializer. Here is a trick by @Veets (IIRC) allowing to have 2 different mono sounds on 1 track. (2 hard panned sounds → Spatializer set to mono).
Not used it for this purpose - but could certainly duplicate the track, and hi pass one for stereo mid and highs, and then low pass another and use it to make the low end mono - and then if needing to regain the extra track used; then resample.
I can attest to this. I’ve used it in a setup where I send a bass synth to 2 thru tracks. The first track is low passed and does the beefiness, the second is hi passed, spatialized, and then sent through a neighbour track for additional processing. It works pretty sell for fizzy reese basses and other sounds where you want a solid bass fundamental and a lot of width and movement in the highs