Ohhh #hidden… someone was #triggered…
Exactly the instrument is an inanimate object, without the user the instrument does nothing.
The proper instrument is just as important as the proper user.
Also I truely get what you are getting at, I’m being a little facetious at this point. But it would help if your comparisons were a little more realistic.
I hope it works out as well, I really do. & I DO feel bad for people that trusted it was coming sooner. I even understand that there are people that don’t REQUIRE OB, but would still like to take advantage of it & they are frustrated that they can’t.
My statement wasn’t towards every single person that is frustrated that there isn’t OB. Just people that complain over & over & don’t take action. But at the same time I understand it feels good to get things off your chest. My page long rant above felt great
True…look at some of the complete bits of sh*t Daft Punk used…
For the first year I had the 404sx I thought it was impossible to make “perfect” songs on it without pops, clicks or odd transitions from sequence to sequence (there was always a gap or it transitioned too fast). I still played with it every day because it was fun. FINALLY after 2 & 1/2 years of constant use, I now know all it’s quirks (at least I think I do) & can make some of my best beats on it. Honestly for me it took joining the sp forum beat battles to really master it…the battles pushed me to get the best out of it. But yes, it’s EXTREMELY limited, it takes longer to get things done, but you can make amazing music with it. I think it’s extremely inspiring & fun (the more fun I’m having the better music I make). It’s also motivating… being able to face challenges head on & overcome the challenge is an amazing feeling.
Im starting to think arround OB…
Exporting to pc if a loop is working
Re Sampeling with hi pass filter on samples that need it…adding sub harmonic generator to kicks. Then importing back in to the DT…using transfer…
Great thing is its made me rethink sampeling for all my gear. I have now treated all the samples in my blofeld license SL the same way and its improved the 2 machines vastly…
Also the blofeld can act as a 16 channel sampler and in some cases i do use all 16…and guess what…ive been using it this way for a decade with no overbridge and i never even noticed…mmmmm
I think your calendar is broken. You post on this thread multiples times per week, often multiple times per day. That would be great if you ever had anything new to say, but you don’t. You just keep repeating how “done” you are with Elektron while, in fact, you’re totally obsessed with Elektron. Honestly dude, it’s pretty weird.
or, there was no bridge to go over, so i choose the hard way
we can learn some things from that tough guy
This thread has gained a bit of momentum and it’s mostly not about the update from . As a courtesy to anyone checking in (hoping) for news it might be an idea to get it back on topic (and with less of the personal stuff pls) … tbh, this won’t be the place the news breaks
There are topics on DT OB, tracking workarounds and sampling etc ; it’s also fair to observe that frequent repetition or hogging is not in the spirit of the guidelines, the forum software may well politely remind anyone over-posting
Anyway, keep it civil, critique the idea, not the person
not giving us OB is one thing, taking us the fun about the status of it is another!
there´s only one solution how this will end, so please live with it!
it’s all very well saying “work around it” and “stop complaining”, but some people bought this box very specifically because it would do what it said on the box, and still doesn’t do.
telling people to stop complaining is only going to make the thread longer by getting people’s backs up!
If you’re happy without it, get on with doing what you want to do, the rest of us need a space to vent
please read my post properly and please don’t spuriously speculate on what I didn’t even comment on nor imply I suggested that people should stop complaining - I’ve only commented on the preferred forum etiquette
there have been a few flags and this is a timely interjection as a reminder about everything mentioned above
if it’s fun/helpful to contribute/vent here then go for it - just keep it civil, on-topic and hopefully there’ll be no more flags
sorry - that wasn’t aimed in response to your post at all, was more talking generally about what tends to kick off argument. Am absolutely in favour of people playing nice.
Haha a post about reading posts properly by a mod who didn’t read a post properly lol
yeah fair enough - I wasn’t even convinced it was a reply to me tbh except the “thread longer” aspect - sorry 'bout that - as you were !
fwiw re topic : it’s a given (and official comment) that resolving OB is top billing, so it’s fair to assume no amount of acrimony shared amongst ourselves or reminders to Elektron will hasten that along - I’m as disappointed as the next person about the delay, the broader impact and handling of it but I have confidence the Elektron guys are doing their best and this is just a waiting game - from my perspective making it work properly is a binary thing, it either does or doesn’t, so perhaps we can assume for now it doesn’t and resolving that is proving challenging - I very much doubt the delays are to do with secondary things such that a beta release could be shared whilst the finishing touches are completed - who knows - but we can aim to keep it civil/focussed/flag-free/constructive here - inc venting which for sure may be constructive for some
I agree, people shouldn’t flag, especially me.
This is a third party midi app. Doable for all Elektron gear.
Strangely I prefer knobs.
indeed, i’ve already ckecked digitouch and so on …
but the whole package is impressive and shows it‘s possible!
just a question of time …
I agree & I apologize for my part in going off topic. I think a big reason it goes off topic is because there is nothing more to say about the topic (IMO)… at least until there is an update on OB.
Below are a few threads on how people are using the Digitakt without OB. If you haven’t seen them & you’re looking for options or ideas check them out. The last 2 threads are just Digitakt productions, but if you’re down about no OB, they might inspire you.
That’s what I think too. Until next status update you mean ?
Well, this week the arguments started to come back like in the last status update thread, which shows that everyone’s patience is being tested by the lack of OB, but more importantly the lack of news. It’s been almost one month with a complete lack of news from elektron. Usually even a soundpack or an interview would show up in the meantime, but not now.
If I had to make a wild guess, I’d say that they’re weeks or days away from releasing OB and they’re holding their breath until it’s out.
Also on Elektron’s website it shows no more upcoming events (apart from the current event in barcelona), so I guess we’ll atleast get news soon.