Hmm now I want to do the same… Although I know it would be a sidestep for me. True bonding with my instrument is something that I value deeply.
Guys…its summer! Vacation time!
Well, companies don’t just close in summer though. That would be a seriously questionnable business model.
What are the features of OB that people “need” the most?
individual outs for me. i dont really care about much else. If DT had individual outs it would be absolutely perfect for me.
As of now im having alot of fun putting together great jams.
Yah, I think that’s the one that I could use the most too. Most of the others I can work around quite easily. The others, I don’t need. We kind of got sample management with the updates already. I don’t need VST/AU, I just set up multiple tracks in Ableton to MIDI to DT…probably get more control that way (in some ways) anyway.
Elektron pretty much does. They usually have an announcement that they are away for a couple of months in the summer and support is slower than usual. As it is already June, OB developers are probably on vacation too.
We get it, you don’t care about OB
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
I wonder why people who don’t care about overbridge keep posting in the thread called “Status update on Overbridge”, and telling people who care about overbridge not to post about overbridge…
Its like a train wreck. You dont want to look…but you just cant turn away.
Its almost like asking…why would someone who has sold all their elektron gear keep posting on the elektron forum. Hmmmmm
Haha. Welcome to Sweden. We close so hard over summer, it resonates across the world😊
All summer? In France it’s mostly in August.
Mostly July and beginning of August.
Hehe nice analogy
the separate outs.
the reason I bought it was so I could have a few tracks of drums/samples and the synths it was controlling go to ableton, and dub mix the resulting groups using MIDI control of ableton’s sends.
Having to plan a set for the old version of this setup (audio in ableton clips) until such time as it works.
Also want to be able to just jam on the Digitakt and record separates of what comes out to edit and mix and return to the Digitakt later, rather than have to work out which bits of messing about I like and then stem out tracks one by one.
Aren’t the separate outs are the hard bit though?
pretty sure that’s what Cenk is suggesting here:
(and also, at least at the most basic level VST control is just linking a front end to existing MIDI controller values I guess?)
really makes me flinch when he says “infinity” in that video…
although the word “soon” is also mentioned I spose.
I bought a ticket to see the new Avengers movie, the theater had shown the last Avengers movie (which I really liked) so I figured no problem. I got my popcorn and sat in the theater and then a guy very politely told us that they were planning to show the film but then they started putting it into the projector and realized they needed a new projector to show it…basically he said we just need to wait over a year in our seats if we want to see it…
But no guarantee when (if ever) we would be able to see it
The popcorn tastes good though
You mean that Elektron should send pop corn to people concerned by Overbridge ?