Hi. Trying to isolate the kick into a mixer
So I can have the remaining sounds on a separate channel and fx
Not getting anywhere with the audio cobfig settings
Am I being ideal to expect this to happen or is it ?
You should just be able to pan it to one side and pan everything else to the other. No need to go into the audio config menu.
You can’t route to the headphone out specifically, you will just have to hard pan kick to left or right and everything else to the other side. Headphone out will just mirror the main output.
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Thanks for your tips! That resolved it can I pan the reverb and delay too
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Unfortunately not
solution could be to use an external reverb/delay
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Beyond stock DAW, I would recommend https://valhalladsp.com/
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i’m using my cycles in a analogue desk set up so now i can pan kick and rest of sounds i can use external fx sends thanks for all your help