As always there will be a lot going on, and some good coverage.
Feel free to post anything you spot that is showing there, whether new or old. Feel free to post other miscellaneous information related to the show, but as this will be a busy thread, do consider how far out you swing with the that-reminds-me-posts.
Supercritical Redshift 6 - #73 by Jblanco at the end of their last video there is a see you at Superbooth note. This might be the first synth that, when I have it in front of me, I will want to see the sides first (if they have a unit with that finish completed).
The makers of Wee Noise Makers PGB-1 are in the list of exhibitors. This is great because people interested will be able to hold this little open source beast in their hands while the crowdfunding is still open.
Similarly Cyma Forma will be showing their analog poly synth the Alt going on to Kickstarter a few days after SB. They call it a “soundscape synthesizer” and it features a pin grid matrix, and sensors, and other interesting elements.
There is a very cool wavefolding oscillator from them with a funny name – Capt’n Big-O – that doesn’t get enough attention. So they really can make some great modular gear.
I am wondering about something new related to the NiftyKEYZ but i don’t know what.