Syncussion SY-1 from Behringer

Behringer is promising to start manufacture of this soon – kind of a measure of which is stronger; Behringer or the Virus ? – so i figure a thread is meritted.

The Syncussion is a two channel drum synth with the low level controls all laid out in a useful and primitive way. This is a recreation of the 1979 Pearl Syncussion, redone in a large Eurorack format.

So there’s not a demo of the Behringer Syncussion YET ! But for an idea of how it will sound we can listen to the next better thing, the Original Pearl Syncussion. This is a lot of fun and just three minutes long :

Given that Behringer has gone through three prototype hardware revisions to get the sound just right, i expect this is pretty close to what it will sound like.

No word yet exactly when, nor how much, but it’s probably not too long, and not too much.

This is an interesting unusual sort of product. I’ve got to say that this approach of producing these functional bedrock sort of musical devices, has gained an appeal with me that i had not expected.

This thread is not meant to provoke, it’s just a place to discuss this new product. If you are interested there is also the Clone War thread. And please feel free to mute this thread, if you’d like.


For a more compact solution, check out the single channel MSW SY.05:


yeah that thing is hella huge. much bigger than the original, or the THC and PsycoX clones. without offering anything extra. I get that they have that form factor in their production process, so keeping it for this helps keep costs down. but studio space is a thing too…

however, you can rack that form factor. so that helps I guess. the original and clones are more desktop-type devices.


Taken from gearspace thread

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I like the sound of this thing

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I’m not sure how it compares to this Behringer retread, but I’ve been hoping to score a Subconscious Brap SY1 when the pre-order goes live. I believe they are still having trouble sourcing certain components, as this was supposed to launch a while back.


Actually pretty excited for this one, always wanted to build one of the DIY clones, though never did. I think it would be good to add interesting percussion sounds to drum loops, I use a Jomox mbrane for a similar purpose.

Looking forward to this hitting the shops.

Seems like a left field choice for them but potentially cool. I have fond memories of messing around with an original one that a buddy had in his garage a long time ago.
Awaiting demos.

This just popped up on ModularGrid:

I’ll definitely be getting one of these.


For what it’s worth The Human Comparator (a single-person operation out of Sweden, I think) is doing a replica / clone / redo of the SY-1. It’s way more compact & standalone. Instagram has a rendering, but I think they posted a story recently showing prototypes that just came in.


Yeah there are others too. Plus software versions as well. There’s a reason for all this activity.

THC likely began this project before they knew about the competition. Probably smart if you’re a smaller company to not go around “Poking the Behr-inger”. :wink:
I know other smaller companies, like for instance ones making Eurorack, that have been strategically aligning their products so as not to be go head to head with Behringer.

The Behringer Syncussion is showing signs now of being on the market soon. I will be interested to see the reviews of the real thing when it arrives.


when did B announce they were working on one? hasn’t the THC one been around for like five years? I know I bought one three years ago. there’s also a PsycoX version (which adds midi) and a Michigan Synth Works eurorack variant; pretty sure those are over three years old, especially PscyoX as I almost bought one when I bought mine.

if anything, it’s B taking their lead here.

Well said. That’s pretty much what I was trying to say too, only you said it much better.

A competitor needs something quite substantially better and different, unless they have the stuff to compete on price, and that is a really tall order.

As far as dates, it looks like Behringer showed the proto in July 2021, there is a link to a post i made in the Behringer Gear thread, that i linked to below the first post in this thread.

of course. I was just saying “THC likely began this project before they knew about the competition” is kind of irrelevant when theirs was done about a half-decade before the competition announced they were in the game! :rofl:

…ooooo noooooo…another b clone…ready to mock and rock the real thing…
business as usual… :wink:

What ever happened to the Behringer Syncussion? A year ago they announced it was ready for production.

There isn’t a thread for clones, but I just got the Michigan synth works syncussion clone and it’s rad. Such a unique sounding machine! Very fun to jam with. Somehow such a wide range of sounds with a relatively limited palette.


A little ( freebie ) ad for our thread here.

I got you covered right here. :laughing:


So, a video of our favorite place with someone watching a video. That’s… OK I don’t have words.