Syntakt OS 1.30

The Sonic Metropolis is expanding!

With OS 1.30, Syntakt welcomes four extra synth machines into its city limits, as well as more parameter possibilities, an expanded sequencer, page loop fun, sound saving from sequencer trigs, and more.

Extra machines & extra parameters to existing machines

Four additional synthesis machines are now available on Syntakt. SY CHIP, SD ACOUSTIC, BD ACOUSTIC, and HH LAB all jump over from Analog Rytm, becoming dual residents of both instruments.

SY CHIP spreads those SidStation ripples even further, offering magical C64-esque goodness to dive into - but with an analog touch. SD and BD ACOUSTIC extend your snare and kick options - adding a bunch more cracks and booms to your repertoire. Lastly, HH LAB is open for business in Syntakt, bringing a new metallic monster to experiment with.

Existing machine BD SHARP gets a new square waveform to play with, offering that bit more customization to your kick offerings.

Euclidean Mode

Euclid is in town. Or his audio-inspired apparition at least. Euclidean sequencer mode is now available on Syntakt, allowing for all kinds of extra rhythm options to explore with.

Euclidean rhythms are born from their namesake’s mathematical algorithms - spreading a set number of beats or pulses across a chosen span of time or sequence. This can bring balance and symmetry to your pattern, weaving rhythms that feel both organic and intriguingly structured. Twist and pull at the pattern to take it in unexpected directions.

Page Loop

Use Page Loop and pick a specific sequencer page to work in. Repeat the page and refine your sound without needing to wait for the sequencer to roll around again.

And more

On top of the above you can also save sounds from sequencer trigs, preview parameter locks easier, make use of the random pattern name generator, and enjoy GUI improvements, performance improvements, and plenty more. For a complete rundown of all the new arrivals and bug fixes, be sure to check out the release notes.


You can use Syntakt OS 1.30 together with Overbridge. Please ensure you install the latest version of Overbridge - 2.13 - released today to accompany the new OS.

Download Syntakt 1.30 here.
Explore Syntakt.


very exciting! thank you, team!


page loop!!! is this the first elektron to get that?


Awesome :blush:
Thanks a lot !!!

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No DT II has it


Thanks! Looking forward to SY CHIP!


Yeah, this is exciting. Great work Elektron team.

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I’m mostly here for all the people who used to moan that this isn’t an Analog Rytm update moaning that this is just an Analog Rytm update.



Thanks for the update! @Elektron 🩶🩶🩶


cough rytm first cough


Syntakt OS Release Notes

Last updated Oct 16, 2024

How to upgrade

To send the OS syx file, use our free Elektron Transfer software. Transfer can be downloaded from the Elektron website.

Upgrading from within the OS
  • Connect the Elektron device to the computer via USB and switch it on.
  • Open the Transfer application on your computer.
  • On the Transfer CONNECTION page, set the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports to your Elektron device.
  • On the Transfer DROP page, drag and drop the OS file. The OS file is then automatically transferred to the Elektron device and the OS update initiates. A progress bar is visible on device screen when receiving the OS.
  • On your device. Press [YES] to confirm the OS update.

If your current device OS does not fully support Transfer, you will be automatically directed to Transfer’s LEGACY OS UPGRADE page after you drag and drop the OS file on the Transfer DROP page. Follow the instructions on the LEGACY OS UPGRADE page to proceed with the OS upgrade.

When the update is done the unit will restart by itself.

Upgrading from the STARTUP menu
  • Connect the Elektron device to the computer via the device’s MIDI port. (You cannot use the USB port).
  • Hold down the [FUNC] button while powering on the Elektron device. This takes you to the STARTUP menu.
  • Press the [TRIG 4] key to enter OS UPGRADE mode.
  • Open the Transfer application on your computer.
  • On the Transfer CONNECTION page, click “LEGACY OS UPGRADE mode”
  • On the Transfer LEGACY OS UPGRADE mode page browse to, and select, the downloaded OS syx file.
  • Select your MIDI interface.
  • In Transfer, press “UPGRADE”.

A progress bar is visible on device screen when receiving the OS.

When the update is done the unit will restart by itself.

After some upgrades the bootstrap is also upgraded. This upgrade is performed right after the first restart of the device. Do not turn the power off during the upgrade.

Downgrading the device OS is not supported, and is performed at your own risk. User content may be lost.

Should you experience any problems or find any bugs, please report this to

Elektron support:


The Elektron development team

List of changes from OS 1.21A to 1.30


Added four new machines: SY CHIP, BD ACOUSTIC, SD ACOUSTIC, and HH LAB.

Added an Euclidean mode for the sequencer. It is accessed on the second [TRIG PARAMETERS] page.

Added an analog square wave to the BD SHARP machine.

Implemented functionality that makes it possible to loop selected pattern pages.

You can now save a Sound from a specific trig on the sequencer, complete with its Sound and parameter locks applied.

It is now possible to see which PARAMETER PAGES contain parameters with parameter locks. When pressing and holding specific trig in STEP RECORDING mode, the [PARAMETER] keys that contain parameters with locks light up.

Added slew functionality to the RND waveform for the LFOs. When RND is selected for the WAV parameter, the SPH parameter now sets the amount of slew.

Added the possibility to quickly select which sequencer page that is edited in GRID RECORDING mode. Press and hold [PAGE], and then press one of the [TRIG 1-8] keys that light up to select the active page for editing.

Implemented the possibility of generating a random name from the naming screen when naming a Sound or a pattern. In the NAMING menu, press [SETTINGS] to create a random name.

Improved the feel of how turning the encoders affects the MIDI parameters.

Added support for Overbridge 2.13.

Bug fixes

Undoing a page paste operation could cause all parameters to be set to the minimum value.

Some NRPN parameters had incorrect values.

The value for the LFOs TRIG MODE parameter was not displayed in text.

The AMP volume and envelope parameters on the FX track did not influence the sound when monitoring the individual FX track only in Overbridge.

The FX track could not be unrouted from the main output.


Analog Four. …. Just saying…

[very impressive update for the ST, by the way]


Finally! Thanks Elektron :relaxed:

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Thank god, now we can post another 200 times about what we want in the next update


digitone is vewwy angwy grrr :rage:

no, this is dope, congrats. awesome update!


This update is sick

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10 mins in and already in love with HH Lab :heart:


Excited to try out the Acoustic machines. Might try and make some Hippity Hop style beatz.


Excellent @Elektron, I’m especifically looking forward to the new hi-hat and snare possibilities, which are welcome sonic additions.

And now we have page loop which is a HUGE workflow improvement, especially how it is implemented, excellent! :exploding_head:

Tack sĂĄ mycket! :pray::sweden: