Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II

i would definetly say that the SP series is an inspiration…


You’re right it is only 4. Goddamn how are they getting 20 hours battery life out of 4 AAAs?

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Says 4 x AAA on the site.

Edit : See it was corrected

$300 is pretty cheap for something that big from TE that isn’t a T-shirt.


No micro timing and parameter locking.

The M:S is still very different i would say.

Think of this more like a modern SP-202.


Man this looks cool. Site is getting hammered.

Everyone stop trying to order this. I want one :crazy_face:


It looks the business, but it’s probably not for me. But this should put the fear of god into Polyend and Dirtywave and a dozen other boutique companies if TE starts moving to the middle price between $99 and $1999


It seems more hip hop friendly than the M:S for sure.

Ooooh now that just looks lovely.


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@Elektron this is how you sell cables :wink: Ya gotta buy them cause you don’t want to break your style here!


The user guide seems to contradict that?

This thing looks fantastic btw

I might pick one up just to try out for the hell of it

Amazon has them

since you had it since june, how does it feel to make music with it. is it flimsy, annoying, menu divy or on the better spectrum?

I think I am buying! For my kids (3 and 7). No sarcasm here. Daddy will like it too.


That is looping the whole pattern, its sort of a latching punch in FX… which you can change the loop start and end point

The start of a new ‘EP’ series is an interesting move, beefing up and expanding the current KO range. Would love to see Korg expand the Volca series too.


Im pretty sure the guy who made the volca series is gone from korg since 2017 …

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This is not micro timing?


Makes this display choice really shine.

for me, using another sequencer (OP-Z in my case) has been the key to unlocking this device.

So live record a pattern from the OP-Z (no midi multitimbrality though so one pattern at a time) and then perform it by using the punch in FX and automating fader movements… its a lot of fun to just create a random pattern from the OP-Z and then record that random pattern over lots of patterns in the EP and then just switch patterns on the EP on the fly.

Edit: with that said if your decent at finger drumming you will probably to make something from that. its no MPC in terms of pad sensitivity though.