One thing I’ve always wanted to do in the Rytm is work with loops and easily divide and pitch them to all be in time or be just out of time. This has always been super tricky to do effectively without either timing issues or clicks in start and points, making the workflow super awkward and time consuming, that is until OS1.70 
This jam is using SH101 sounds and loops, all balanced and mixed in the Rytm, and was an ease to do it…finally, meaning I could just focus on jamming and working the track.
I’m keen to do more, and with internal sounds instead of external, “not that there’s anything wrong with that” but just to enjoy the workflow. Working with the Rytm, creating midi patterns fired into the SH101 recording back into the Rytm with the new step based recording options, is smoother than Ableton, it’s so immediate and you can get something going super quick.
These loops and sounds are all triggered with the new Euclidian sequencer, which is also such a joy to work with. Since it’s arrival I haven’t even used the step sequencer, although I’m sure i will at some point.
Also, i gotta say, as many have already, the sound of the Rytm seems so much better than it was before. It seems to have much better balance and all the low bass resonance that was tricky to work around, just doesn’t seem to be there anymore. I’m not sure if it’s my getting used to it finally or they have done something with the Calibration or what, but it’s sounding so much better as a machine, and it’s great to be giving and hearing praise of this machine finally.
Anyway, here is a chilled techno groove. It was a total jam, but i think it turned out ok, quite crunchy, dreamy, but clinical sound design type stuff, which i don’t typically do, it was enjoyable to make.
The project is available to download for free and comes with additional SH101 samples that i didn’t use. Easily an EP’s worth of tracks or remixes in there I reckon. It would be great to hear what others do with it.