That RYTM 1.70 Sound

with all that hard techno buzz, crashing Airplanes and full quantized off-time patterns…

some clean Jazzy riffs are really underrated, the A4 and AR are both a great foundation for some acoustic, swinging fusion jazz.

mOrE of tHat 🩵

…and here’s a classic :flying_saucer:


I need that sample pack/those stabs! I was bobbing my head like crazy.

So good.

Too short! :slight_smile: Lovely.


Thank you :green_heart: will turn them into longer tracks/jams :slight_smile:

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I just had the biggest grin ever on my face. This is combining the “generative breakbeats” trick from my tutorial with three performance pads controlling slot, direction and speed @.@

Not really about the Rytm Sound, but I just wanted to share my happpinnesssss :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


That slapped real hard, as the kids say. Reminds me of The Perfect Drug breakdown. :smiley:

Did not dive into the new possibilities of the DT after the last great update. The AR does have slot machines, too, (fixed grid sample start)? That would be awesome! :star_struck::smiley::star_struck:

no it doesn’t have the slice machine but with the new update it is easier to slice up a sample manually, because the resolution of the encoder is 0 to 120 now instead of 0 to 127 or whatever it was before.
so for 8 seperate trigs on the same breakbeat sample you set the start points to 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105.

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@Elekktrikk @freebyrd

  • It was always 120

  • It’s now possible to use chains/loops with 16 or 32 slices, since now we have high resolution and are able to reach values like multiples of 7.5 (for 16) or 3.75 (for 32), while before it was only integers.

  • Yess about breakbeats with 8 slices as freebyrd said :wink:

  • Unfortunately it’s also now a bit harder to use chains since we have to press in the encoders in to snap to integers, which makes it easy to miss (apply pressure and rotate).

(I wish there was an option to reverse this behaviour for Samples. Or even better, to set an amount of slices and the encoder will jump through the multiples. It would be still manually, but a ton easier.)


Phew, I just made a noise with SY Raw that blew my socks off. Can’t save it as a Sound unfortunately as it was achieved by messing with the LFO Fade in real-time, but here it is:

Got another live one, phew!


oh ok, sorry i got confused about the resolution, but i basically meant what you said :wink:

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yeah I just want us on the same page when we pester Elektron to make using chains and loops on the Rytm easier to use (instead of harder) :wink:


Setting start points with breakbeats is driving me mad


That‘s great! :star_struck: Didn’t expect the punch of the original 707 in that machine. :smiley::smiley: Is it out of the box?

Robin S., all synthesis except parts of the drums (hihat, shaker, cymbal, snare, clap) :wink:



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One more time mimicking Basimilus Iteritas Alter :wink: One Sy Chip track Rytm


Going crazy DFAM on the RYTM with SY CHIP :nyan:


Any chance of you doing this on a huge sound system in London so I can stand at the back of the space in the shadows and nod approvingly?


Ha, well I’d love to! If there’s a smoke free venue* and no pay-to-play I’m in :wink: It’s four years ago I performed in the UK.

I’m extremely allergic to cigarette smoke, a career-killer in Berlin which leads me to almost only play at Festivals. Which is awesome, too, of course :wink: but I’d like to play more often.