I think it would be nice to add a specific explicit line for the FX track…
“Muting the FX track means muting the trigs of the FX track: the effects are on the signal path, their respective parameters active and the LFOs vibrating whatever the MUTE status is for the FX track.”
Something alike
Am I just having a hard time parsing this sentence?
“When moving the start point marker the sample exact position of the start point, changes to the BPM of the sample as well as changes to the bar length of the sample will be visible at the bottom of the screen.”
Wow, that really twisted my melon too. Here’s my attempt to correct the English:
When moving the start point marker, the exact position of the sample start point, changes to the BPM of the sample, and changes to the bar length of the sample will be visible at the bottom of the screen.
Regardless @eangman, I think it needs attention.
Okay, got it, thank you!
P79 of the current Mk2 manual:
When moving the start point marker, i.e., the exact position of the sample start point, any changes to the BPM of the sample as well as changes to the bar length of the sample will be visible at the bottom of the screen.
I added a comma, “i.e.,” and “any.” I also moved the first occurrence of “sample.” Does it read correctly now or did I misinterpret it?
You could well be on the money. Let’s see what @eangman has to say about the intention of the sentence. I don’t have an OT to check it myself. But, yes, probably a missing comma or something like that. Nice one!
Yes that text is not very helpful is it… Sorry about that. I have changed it a bit now along the lines of what @digiwut suggested. Thanks all for keeping an eye on the documentation
In https://www.elektron.se/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Overbridge-User-Manual_ENG_OS2.0.39.pdf
Section 8 - Sequencing with the Digital Audio Workstation:
Once an Overbridge plugin is loaded into your DAW project, you can send MIDI to the plugin to sequence your device. The MIDI channels are the same as the track numbers, so on the Analog Four/Keys, Digitakt you use MIDI channels 1–4 for sequencing the tracks. For the Rytm, channels 1–12 is used.
Shouldn’t that say Digitone? I’m trying to figure out how to send separate MIDI for tracks 1-4 from the DAW to my DN, and I think this is the answer…
Yes you are right of course. I will fix that. Thanks for pointing it out
So, @products7074740 discovered today that when you hold a Trig(s) and very quickly hit and release [PLAY] only the locks are cleared while note data is preserved.
This is not at all clear in the manual.
Page 30 says:
Removing all parameter locks on a trig in GRID RECORDING mode:
- Remove the note trig and then enter it again.
And page 33 says:
Clear trig locks by holding one or more trigs and press [PLAY].
It seems that the [TRIG]+[PLAY] key combo has two functions:
- When pressed “regularly” it clears the note data
- When pressed very quick it clears p-locks while keeping note data.
Thread for reference:
Yes I just read about that in the other thread. I have to investigate this trig+play really quickly removes the locks placed on that trig. It sounds a bit fishy to me and I will check it out with the developers to see what is going on there. Thanks for letting me know.
its fishy but the functionality is quite useful
Octatrack 1.40 manual:
The first slice is played on C-1, the next on C#-1 and so on, expanding upward depending on how many slices the sample has.
This should read:
… is played on C0 the next on C#0 …
Isn’t it? (to match the info box just above this line)
Yes you are right of course. A leftover from and older version of the MIDI mapping. It was also a similar error in the description of the slots trigging, I saw now. I will fix this. Thanks a bunch!
related to TRIGS, in the manual it mentions the TRIG PARAMETER page. Where is this page on the Analog Four??
it was suggested this is referring to the NOTE page
A4 Mk2 calls it note menu, A4 Mk1 and AK call it note page. Afaik there is no trig parameter page.
AK and A4 pdf manuals have this paragraph, though.
Yes, no TRIG PARAMETER page on those machines, As you already figured out, it should say NOTE menu. Thanks for letting me know. I will comb through the manuals to make sure it is correct everywhere. Thanks!
OT mk1 and mk2 pdf manuals:
You have the possibility to preview a specific trig.