Whoops! A small but rather needed word missing there yes. Thanks! Will fix.
i dont know if youve got these ones already but heres the rest of my findings
This —> The , Varies —> Vary
pg91 NOTE - REC button must be on in order to see the mentioned keyboard while knob A is turned but they do not specify this in the manual
Analog Four
10.4.1 Notes setup - “The NOTES SETUP menu is covered in section For more information, please see “10.9 NOTES SETUP” on page 45.”
I think theres a word missing there between section and For because its not telling me the section lol
p39 Tempo Menu
Holding FUNC “prep” does not work in PTN mode (Fn+Y) and this fact is not mentioned in the manual
12.8.2 poor wording {OMIT the first “Use”}
14.1.2 NEI “LVL” setting misprint?, all i’ve seen in this manual is the label “LEV”
Appendix A OSC 1/OSC 2 TUN “To jump an octave press the knob while turning it.”
-only helps to move it in 4 semitone increments
-you have to hold down FUNC to jump in Octave increments and that isnt what is stated there
”OSCX” is not mentioned as a choice, what is happening when you choose it??
my guess is it effects both OSC’s at the selected destination?
Press down and turn encoder also used to go in octaves, pretty sure about that…
thanks for the confirmation on the first thought
2nd one though, just tried it again and it only goes in increments of 4 semitones when I push the knob and turn it, FUNC + turning it gives you octaves.
Not a bug.
The updated manual regarding the midi control of the delay effect is not correct. The respective tables are upside down. It shpuld be corrected like this
C0 (12) – G0 (19) Selects delay TIME values of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 ,64
and 128
G#0 (20) – D#1 (27) Selects the track to control (1 – 8)
Hi there. Super thanks for all your comments. I will have a look at everything to see what is what with every comment. The corrections will show up next time I publish a new version of the manuals.
Thanks again for taking your time to collect and send me your feedback
Elektron manuals are not correctly indexed neither by Google or DuckDuckGo.
I suggest that you put the last version of a manual at the same spot
and keep your actual system for archiving different versions (if ever needed).
Accessing previous versions on Google is misleading, and having to go through elektron.se not the smoothest path, IMO.
Yes, this is a known problem. Im not a Wordpress wizard, but there is some plan here to solve this.
But thanks for reminding about this, I will look in to it again and see what is going on
P137 Octatrack manual the note table is split across to the next page, would be nice to have it all on one page?
Yes, I have seen that. Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit on the first page of that section anymore after the introductory text grew a bit. To move it forward to the next page will leave a very large blank section on the first page. But it’s not pretty as it is now… choices choices… I will have a look at it again.
Not really a mistake, but OT Mk1 pdf manual has an OT Mk2 screenshot on page 72.
Thought I’d let you know.
Thanks for the heads up. It will be fixed in the next version of the manual
Analog Keys pdf manual appendix B-2:
HPF (HP Filter) sets the highpass filtering of the input signal.
LPF (LP Filter) sets the lowpass filtering of the delay taps.
Looks like copy/paste mistake. The lowpass filter is on the input.
Octatrack FW update documentation 1.40A
pg 16 & 27 “loose data” -> lose data
A tiny error @eangman. P59 of the AR MKII manual mentions Octatrack instead of Analog Rytm here:
Yes indeed! I will fix that. Thanks!
What? Maybe I dont want my data firm Sorry about that. Will fix. Thanks!
Thanks for letting me know. I will fix that!
Model:Cycles - The documented behaviour when loading a folder of presets, is inconsistent with what actually happens. Numeric suffixes do not get the result you would expect from the documentation.
Yes, I just saw that. It seems a bit odd. I will investigate to see what is going on there. Thanks for poking me.