The Elektron documentation thread

It’s a bug in the code, not in the manual. Yay! I meen, sorrry about that. The bug is documented and reported.


Always good to find it’s an SEP :wink:

Take time to improve user manual, it would bring great value to the machine.

For instance I think this is erroneous :

Removing a specific parameter lock on a trig in LIVE RECORDING mode:

  1. Press and hold [NO], and then turn the knob related to the parameter you want to remove

I had to check M:S manual to understand how to erase a given p-lock for a whole sequence

[BACK] + parameter knob (in LIVE recording mode)

Take time to read the latest one too ! :sketchy:

Wow … didn’t know that one … TY @znaak

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Thank you ! I probably stumbled upon an old one in a google search

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Yeah, it’d be nice if that didn’t happen, maybe using a static url somehow so the latest is always hit

Thanks. Do you know if there is a change log anywhere?

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Change logs are stored within the text file accompanying respective firmware updates.

Sorry, I meant change logs for the documentation. Thanks, though.

Ah, I doubt those exist !

OT MKII, no SYNC A available for OT.

Page 14

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@eangman AK manual, bottom of p34 is missing a ‘P’

• ress [PLAY] to listen to the sequence while you are programming it. Press [STOP] to stop the sequencer and stay in STEP RECORDING mode.

AK manual, p42 has the following info:

To remove the parameter locks of all tracks while LIVE RECORDING mode is active, press and hold [FUNCTION] + [NO/RELOAD]. Sound locks will however not be erased. Remove specific parameter locks in real time by pressing [NO/RELOAD] while pressing the DATA ENTRY knob corresponding to the parameter that will be removed.

However, this [FUNC] + [NO] action works only on the currently selected track, not on all tracks. Unless i’m reading it wrong, shouldn’t it say this instead?:

To remove all parameter locks of the currently selected track while LIVE RECORDING mode is active…

I also would think it would be handy to have this info added to the Useful Key Combinations pages (81, 82)


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Elektron Octatrack Mk1 pdf manual, page 61

DEP1 sets the modulation depth of LFO1. This setting is reflected by the DEP setting found in the LFO1 page of the LFO SETUP menu. See page 71 for a more detailed description of the modulation depth parameters.

Page 71 is about quick mute, delay control and midi note mapping for audio tracks, page 62 would be correct.

Same phrase is in the current mk2 manual on page 60. Page 61 would be correct instead of 71.

Page 72 in the mk1 pdf manual has a screenshot from mk2. On page 19, ‘the user interface’ also seems to be an mk2 screenshot.
Looks a bit off^^ :upside_down_face:

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No, there are no change logs for the manuals. It would just be too much work for me to keep track of every little thing that changed in them. The main changes in them follows the firmware updates that you can see in the OS release notes. If you are really curious you can run a comparision between a “new” and “old” version of the PDFs.

Of course, it is not. Would be nice if it was though :stuck_out_tongue:


Good catches there. There are these leftover dead links still hanging around. I have fixed that now. The screenshot on page 72 is also fixed. Will see if I will fix the user interface screenshot or not. It is indeed based on a MKII but it is difficult with visibility to use only black and white in that graphic so I might leave that one.
Thanks for keeping an eye on me :slight_smile:


Good to see that someone is still reading the AK manual :crazy_face:
Thanks for the heads up. I will have a look at that.


Makes sense! :slight_smile:

I read the AK manual from time to time. It’s actually my favourite Elektron manual! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If I was stuck on an island and only had one Elektron manual to read, I’d hope it would be the AK manual. :laughing: