I created and deleted a thread about too much being too much regarding streaming. The same could be said for YouTube.
Access to every artists catalog, plus randoms access to uploading theirs has greatly devalued music in general. Same goes for YT influencer culture. Thousands of experts about any and everything. There are even influencers for buying bootleg designer goods from AliExpress. Dude.lmao
I found the YouTube synth influencer thing extremely valuable when I was first getting into hardware. Loopop, Ben Jordan, Andrew Huang, etc help me sort out what I wanted in my transition from software to a hybrid setup. Even today a quick skim of a YouTube video is far more helpful than digging through a manual or audio demo when I’m evaluating a potential purchase. But sometime in late 2020 it felt like everything in the space shifted to be much more consumeristic and marketing focused, and I’m skeptical that more recent videos are as helpful to newcomers as older stuff was.
Almost everything else I was going to say has been better said here already.
I’ve started unfollowing channels after the creator makes more than one of these videos. Some channels, I simply unfollowed after the first one because it was just too just annoying.
YT was ruined when Wackijikikiiiiki…whatever her name is, took the helm. Then the brain surgeon that was responsible for removing the thumbs down button was ‘promoted’ to CEO after she ‘stepped down’. The entire platform is a psyop and heavily censored. I’ve made a promise to myself that I’m only going to watch MusicTechs Learn Ableton complete playlist… then after that I’m dumping YT for good.
Well, the only reason to hit a thumbs down button is to inflict pain on someone else, from the comfort of the home."
This doesn’t make any logical sense. One of the main reasons to have a thumbs down button is to give feedback to prevent other users from wasting their time on clickbait, misinformation, or and also to give everyone a voice to participate. So do you consider YT shadowbanning and takign down videos their way “to inflict pain on someone else, from the comfort of the home”?
YT isn’t concerned about other people’s ‘feelings’ they care about you wasting time on their platform and money…that’s it.
you can but YT doesn’t show the downvotes like they used to, they tried to hide the button too but after community backslash they put the button back without the numbers.
only the channel owner can see the downvotes in their dashboard.
Not really, it’s part of a general feedback system that YouTube implemented for every channel. It goes for both individuals and companies.
I’d also argue that those that feel pain from a thumbs down on their video should probably reconsider making videos or consider a different video platform as I can imagine that those experiences can be demotivating.
it’s common knowledge that doing YouTube will generate both positive and negative responses.
I don’t think it’s acceptable that people behave badly, and I don’t think it’s smart to give them tools to make it easier for them to hurt people in a comfortable way.
If someone wants to give feedback, there are many ways, such as in writing a comment, sending an e-mail. But that’s too much hassle and not the instant gratification such people want.
Making people leave a place that is meant for everyone is the victory Bullies achieved throughout the ages, not making that right either.
That’s all.
Edit: There’s also a report function, which I believe is way more useful than trying to put a thumbs down towards a harmful video (for the one reason that one believes it is harmful) in a sea of people who put a thumbs up (for myriads of reasons, including because it is harmful - in any case, always rather the majority).
seems like a real grind to be a music gear youtuber. so much focus on the studio and not the music. it’s fine if that’s what someone wants to do. doesn’t make any less of a grind though.
but there’s a reason i can’t recall what any of their music sounds like or if they even release music. some of them do i guess… but it seems an after thought and even in the release it’s marketed as a thing that uses gear and how they used gear for (insert technique) ____________ on a given track.
i don’t know… it just all seem like a grind wrapped up in consumerism and youtube addiction.
This topic lasted a surprising amount of time before the flags started up and the interventions became necessary.
Note : responding to an already flagged post is neither encouraged nor appropriate
Fill your boots, but let’s keep it pleasant (i.e. restrained) as it appears to have been - synthfluencers is, by this stage, pretty much one of those topics like religion etc which doesn’t ever end well (and will typically get closed quite quickly) … prove us wrong
It’s not down to programming chops, many have tried coming up with alternatives to all major platform types and failed. It’s usually down to adoption failing for whatever of two million reasons
Edit: the bar of entry has been raised ridiculously high as well, as you have to employ moderation from the start
Interesting perspectives from different vantage points on this thread. Clearly there are different reasons and routes to becoming a synthfluencer.
Largely, I think the algorithms drive a lot of behaviour by creators responding to reward systems. The stuff audiences hate and synthfluencer complain about “having” to do. No one has to do that role in that way, but plenty are game to try. No one has to watch them either.
I don’t think influencers/content creators are going anywhere for a long while. Platforms are making too much money from eyeball time, and humans generally would rather have something for free or in exchange for eyeball time and lower quality than pay for something better. Individual influencers may get chew up and spat out, but there will always be someone new to replace them or a new approach that an influencer cannot adapt to and they fade away. Platforms will change too, but as long as there is a way for an individual to reach large audiences for free the influencer role will exist in some similar form. Individuals may have their moment in the sun, but culture is always moving and companies need to stay relevant.