Track Routing Creativity / FX Mute Mode

Anyone else using the Track Routing page (in Global menu) as a creative tool?

I run my Rytm’s stereo outputs live.
On real FX heavy tracks, I like going to the “SEND TO FX” line, all the pads light up yellow, and I can mute the FX output of tracks. Playing around with this I can do some interesting FX muting live, without the need to program Scenes or Perfs to get quick use of the pads for FX purposes.

Or, in the “ROUTE TO MAIN” line, it works as a Mute mode, but in this instance the wet FX of the tracks you are muting are still heard. This is great for going into breakdowns via mutes but retaining a lot of space by leaving the delay and reverb going. It also makes for good live intros when combined with the actual Mute mode.

Funny that I use to struggle with what I perceived as Rytm’s limitations. This box is full of little nooks and crannies for creativity.


:+1: Top tip

Bonus is you can keep that menu open and go in and out of it, along with actual Mute mode (and Scene mode, Performance mode) easily.

I was just in the Track Routing page the other day playing around with it. Thinking about routing certain tracks to external FX pedals then back into the RYTM input.

The ROUTE TO MAIN line as a mute mode technique seems very useful, going to give it a try. I like the idea of the active wet FX sound for intros/outros/breaks/fills. Thanks.

^ yeah that’s how I came about it, looking at switching in/out external fx.
Dead useful for flying in delays & stuff without wasting a Scene.
Also, like Adam says, dropping from the main mix & just routing to fx can sound lovely :slight_smile:

Great tips guys, was diving into the manual abotu these settings but never approached to.
Thank you! :+1:

fun on the A4 too, wish it was midi addressable for both

Yup. Creates a nice sense of space with reverb.
Anyone have any tips on a kind of “Dry” setting. So turning up the reverb will do a kind of wet, ok. But i find sometimes the track is still too loud and muting it to main is too soft…
Btw i remember in the beginning people bemoaning that the routing was only global. Under the Kit menu, if your turn off use global settings you can choose and save settings perkit. Nice tool for changing up the mix per pattern.

Great tip thanks

oh yes, this has been a lot of fun lately. I almost never use the “normal” mute mode, now.

The sound is reminds me of the intro to this Swedish techno classic,

Been routing 2 pads with samples to go to my Electrix Warp Factory.
Trying to get two note vocodes and unique harmonics with single cycle waves.

Need to figure out how to use my keyboard to play 2 note chords on separate RYTM pads, without a computer. Need that Bome box or something.

For all you A4 owners, this works with A4 too.
Trig buttons 1-4 light up for “route to main”, and 9-12 light up for “route to fx”

And, they also blink half lit in accordance to the trigs in the track.

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From The Beginning I use Main Channel of the AR as a parallel Distortion/compression Bus + FX’s
in addition to the single tracks on a Hardware Mixing Desk. I use “send to main” and “send to fx” in order to select only what i want and to not make sound to messy on the main channel.
What i’d like to do is to link some “send to main”/“send to fx” templates to a kit, so that when changing pattern, for exemple when you go to a break, you remove sounds from the “send to main” path, just in changing the pattern linked to another kit (and of course without accessing the menu “routing” and doing it manually).
Someone still tried this ? it seems it doesn’t work and that routing can’t be automated. If you have other idea using only the AR (not external midi messages)
Thanx In Advance

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:thup: Glad you found what you were looking for here


i use the stereo outs, but also routing the single outs into allen heath big mixer. so i can use aux f.e. into sherman, moogerfooger, eventides and still use the compression and masterdistortion. really cool stuff.

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Thanks!! :grinning: