If you use it to upgrade a machine, remember to back up before upgrading and even load a new empty project to avoid any damage to your current project.
And avoid upgrading before a gig.
You encountered something wrong in this version and want to check if others can replicate it ?
Here is the place.
Doesn’t replace a support ticket, of course, but you might want to check if it’s not a feature before declaring a bug
Please report all bugs via the Support Tickets section on elektron.se if they have not already been confirmed below.
Trying to load up some new sound packs from Elektron for the DT and DN.
New updated Transfer firmware.
Info in red >
‘Position already contains data. Refresh the listing and try again.’
I did this and no luck. Am I doing something incorrectly?
Some help please. Thanks.
Ok things are progressing well so far …
I loaded the Sound Pack SYS file and now loading the Sounds into Slot D via the SYS RECEIVE …
Sound pack is ‘Dissonant World Vol1’
I may see if I can load another onto the DN as well …
‘The Calling’
Thanks so much it’s been very rewarding communicating with you and your assistance. Sometimes it takes another persons eyes and a deep breath to regain some focus on resolving these small issues …. Thanks again greatly appreciated!
The only thing that is not assuring is the ability to browse by Sound Pack on the DN
There no Tag to Sound Browse or confirm that the DN has these Sound Packs successfully loaded
With the DN the sound packs are sysex files so you need to still go into the sysex receive menu on the hardware and let it know which +Drive slot you want to start writing to. If you use first available it’ll just fill in the first available empty slots until it hits a sound then should jump to the next open slot which is messy. I always put sound banks I get from people into specific banks A B are the default banks, C is my personal sounds, D E F etc. etc. are for banks I purchase. if There’s room at the end of a bank after I’ll make a note of it if I run out of room in Bank C when making my own patches.
This is also applicable to A4 as it also can use Sysex dumps… The new Sound export features negate all this sysex business and you can drop packs just like samples going forward. the older packs still use MIDI for transferring
Transfer does not work with digitakt 1.2 et osx catalina, I dont have access to the example page, and the transfer of the projects is not progressing.
I wanted to transfer everything before updating the dgtk.
I placed 3 short samples into the folder .
All using latest version , digitakt also upgraded . MacBook has two usb socket which I tried both of them .
Using original Elektron usb cable .
Digitakt always in overbridge model .
But if I switch on and off digitakt overbridge mode … I get a notification from MacBook about the on and off of overbridge ( means MacBook noticed digitakt is here ) but overbridge app is not reacting