Transfer Samples In Background (wow)

Just had a revelation. Perhaps you all know about this, but for me it was a revelation. I just realized you can transfer samples from the comupter without going into any special sysex-receive mode at all. You can even be playing at the same time, and just feed it. Nice.

I wonder:

those samples are transferred as midi-sample-dump or something like that isnā€™t it.
Does that mean, you can sample with a machinedrumā€¦ and make your machinedrum dump the sample into the rhythmā€¦ Something inside me says : Yes this wil work.

And if it worksā€¦ can we talk electron into adding ā€œmidi sample dumpā€ (or whatever its official name is) into the octatrackā€¦

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ideally with the octatrack hooked up to the AR via USB this will be possible down the road too. I imagine it will requite an OT update though

You should be able to move samples into the RYTM from any device that can transfer samples according to MIDI SDS.

ideally with the octatrack hooked up to the AR via USB this will be possible down the road too. I imagine it will requite an OT update though [/quote]
I doubt that usb hookup will ever happenā€¦ (I agree, it would be handy. attach your ak/a4/rhythm to octatrack via usb. and eat the usb+audo in separate tracks! why not) but that will just never happenā€¦
But for now I am just talking about midi-sample-dumpā€¦ something that anyone with a machinedrum and a rhythm can try out RIGHT NOW AND USE IT. so to speakā€¦ not theory/I hope/I wishā€¦ just factā€¦ will it workā€¦ or will it not workā€¦ and if it works.
can we talk elektron in adding this to octatrack (not even realtime. can be in a menuā€¦) so I can just do my samplebuilding on my octatrack. and any fun sound put in my rhythmā€¦ (if I had a rhythmā€¦ else I would have tested it with my own machinedrum and posted a topic saying Hoorayā€¦ guess what I found out)

Thatā€™s what I figured. but no rhythm to test itā€¦ but it would be a thing I enjoyā€¦
I hate putting samples on my machinedrum via computer/midi . and I guess its the same for rhythmā€¦ (be it, less cables and all that)
So I always wanted my octatrack to send midi-sample-dumps ā€¦ so I could just make something on my octatrack (sample my machinedrum/monomachine and mangle it) and then send it backā€¦ I would enjoy that allot moreā€¦ and basicly killing the need for me to ever connect my hardware setup to my computer (which is old and slowā€¦ and barely runs the stuff I do in renoise)

Atleast my machinedrum samplesā€¦ so I can sample the cue-out of my octrack when neededā€¦ though this does not work so well with single cycle thingsā€¦

but the rhythm doesnā€™t sample.

Iā€™ve always thought they need to develop elektron interop support/app/hardware.

A device that you can plug all your elektron gear into that allows all elektron gear to communicate with other elektron gearā€¦i.e. move samples around, etc etcā€¦yeah yeah overbridgeā€¦but Iā€™m talking something OTBā€¦in fact, if hardware maybe something cool like port expander for OT, more inputs/outputs/tracks :wink:

I do admit to initially spending 5 minutes looking for the sample receive mode on the global menu.


One way would be a raspberry pi hosting 2 USB devices - the OT and the RTYM.

You could set the Pi to await detection of the OT being in USB Disk Mode, once it does it then automatically captures the sample file contents of a pre-designated folder on the OT CF and then sends them to Rtym as Midi SDS via USB.

So every time you simply go into USB disk mode on the OT the transfer happens automatically without any further button presses being required.
To avoid this being messy, hopefully if you send the same-named file to the Rtym twice it simply overwrites the existing version on the Rtym.

Come to think of it you could make a dedicated pi device with two buttons on it and an audio in socket.
Hold one button down to sample the piā€™s audio in (assuming you have a wolfson card attached), release to stop sampling. Hit the second button to convert the captured Wav to SDS and send it to the Rtymā€¦ Then you can tweak the start and end points in the Rtym.

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This is a good hack! it would even work for most of my samplers.
a little file-moving-pi-machine between the samplers that have usb-mode. include a midi-dump-module and things like a rhythm and or machinedrum can play toā€¦

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This is a good hack! it would even work for most of my samplers.
a little file-moving-pi-machine between the samplers that have usb-mode. include a midi-dump-module and things like a rhythm and or machinedrum can play toā€¦ [/quote]
this looks like a start GitHub - bsl/send-sds: Send MIDI SDS files to samplers from Linux using ALSA
what would be nice on the OT would be a ā€˜send sample as sdsā€™ option in the editor or elsewhere to send through midi out port down the line to your RTYM, but conversion to SDS might be beyond the OTā€™s CPU.

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Hi ā€œcuckoomusicā€,
thanks for the tip, but how(!) does it work?
The simple sample feed and listen at the same time!

I only get the AR today!

Wellā€¦ thatā€™s why I started with the questionā€¦ Does the mdā€™s midi-sample-dump function work to feed rhythm.
because I am sure you can swap samples between machinedrums that wayā€¦ and I read about some dude who used this vintage sampler to edit his samples and dumping them into machinedrum afterā€¦

If a machinedrum can do it (not sure it can WHILE PLAYING) but thatā€™s not really my end-goalā€¦ An octatrack should be able to do it as well (might not realtimeā€¦ but like you saidā€¦ option in editor will be fine enough)

I do like your pi suggestionā€¦ that would also work for my mc909ā€¦ or my mv8800 ā€¦ orā€¦

Just transferred a sample from the MD to the AR. Works perfectly fine.

thank youā€¦ confirmation was usefull / neededā€¦ I appreciate that. ā€¦

So yeah :slight_smile: that means I am going to put in a user-request for midi-sample-dump on octatrack.
is good for all machinedrummers and rhythm peopleā€¦ especially those who donā€™t like to mix computers
with their hardwareā€¦ (whatever their reasons maybe)

This is really cool - superb idea if the octatrack could sample dump to the AR in real timeā€¦

Even the PI idea is coolā€¦

I love this community - such creative and curious minds!

i just read this thread an a question popped into my head ā€¦ can you take a A4 sample and throw it into the AR ? ā€¦ have my AR for 20 hours now ā€¦ thanks guys

You can sample anything that makes sound, including an A4. :slight_smile:

Old thread revival, sorry about that !

I have not followed the updates of the OT, nor do I own one. But I would be very curious to know if it is now possible to transfer samples from the OT to the AR via MIDI sample dump. And if so, how fast / convoluted is it ?

Thanks guys.