Hey! Trying to rig something up here and can’t quite figure it out. Basically I want the slice being played by a particular trigger to change every other time, i.e., first time play SL1, second time play SL3, third time back to SL1, and so on.
My first idea was to have an LFO assigned to the slice and sync’d to the pattern in such a way that that particular step always winds up playing SL1. No problem here, an LFO set to SYNC TRIG works great. From there I wanted to use a trigless trig (set to conditional play 1:2) to essentially restart the LFO in such a way that the phase of the LFO when hitting the sample trig in question would make it play SL3.
The problem though is that the trigless trigs only trigger the LFO if the LFO is in TRIG, ONE, or HALF modes - meaning all other sample trigs also trigger the LFO as well.
Then I thought I would try a Neighbour track for this, but I can’t trigger the original tracks LFOs with the neighbour track, nor can I assign the Neighbour track’s LFO to the original track’s SRC parameters. There goes that idea too.
Does anyone know of a way of triggering the LFOs with only the trigless trigs and not the sample trigs?
You could set your LFO depth to zero, and P Lock the depth on steps you want the LFO to trigger.
Not sure if that’s what you want.
There does seem to be a bug, or the manual is just plain incorrect…
Trigless trigs don’t work as described, and amp retrigger settings does not work as described.
See this thread for my own thread in a similar topic
Thanks for the quick reply. I am indeed plocking the Depth control to make sure the LFO only affects that one step, which works. But I also need a way to retrigger the LFO at a particular moment, without having all the other sample trigs also retrigger it.
If the trigless trigs worked when the LFO was in SYNC TRIG mode I’d be all set…
But then how does one alter that while the pattern is playing?
I’m not super familiar with the LFO designer to be honest. Can you set the total length of it to an odd number?
I’d then need a way to let it run free, but trigger on the first play. And we’re back to square one with needing a trigger that only retriggers the LFO, without having all the sample trigs also retrigger it.
You lock the depth to 127 on the step you want to alternate between slices 1 and 3, set LFO to SYNC TRIG, on steps where you don’t want the slice to change don’t lock the depth.
I’ll have to give it a try… but it seems to me that that means the same step of the LFO will always align itself with the sample trig that I want to alternate slices on, which means the same slice will always play on that sample trig.
Yeah, tried this (LFO designer) and as expected, it has the same limitation as my original method of just using a square wave - there’s no way to alter the LFO’s relationship to the pattern length (and thus the step who’s slice I want to be different every-other-time) so I’m stuck in the same situation.
If the trigless trigs re-triggered the LFOs when they are in SYNC TRIG mode I’d be good to go.
Had a look at this. You’re definitely coming close to what I’m looking for. If I understand correctly you have an LFO assigned to Sample Slot. That LFO is running freely and you’re “freezing” it with a plock speed = 0 on the sample triggers? Kind of like a sample and hold. If so, I can’t get this behaviour on the OT since with every sample trigger the LFO is restarted and one ends up “freezing” the LFO at the beginning of the waveform every time, resulting in the same slice being triggered every time.
I can come close to what I’m looking for with a square-wave LFO in FREE mode, running at 48 steps length so that at step 63 (where I want to change the slice) the polarity of the LFO changes every other time through the pattern. I am assuming at some point the LFO will go out of sync however, since it is running in FREE. If there was a way to restart the LFO with a trig at the beginning of the pattern, that would be perfect. But alas, that puts me back to square one - needing the ability to trigger the LFO with trigless trigs without having the LFO respond to the sample trigs. But since the LFO only responds to trigless trigs when it is in TRIG, ONE or HALF modes, it will also respond to the sample trigs.
Yes. Sample Slot destination could be a Slice one.
On OT Lfo mode has to be Free or Hold (Hold doesn’t retrigger waveform start). But in that case the first slice can’t be the same all the time…
Lfo has to run till next step, with matching time, then freeze.
I can give it a try with OT next week, no need to warp my head more on a smartphone for nothing!
Once ? With a 1ST trig condition maybe. Edit : maybe not useful.
As said, Digis have LFO.T parameter (lfo trigger), very useful for different purposes.
Yeah, once. conditional trig set to 1st was my thinking as well, but we run into the same problem - trigless trigs only work when the LFO is set to TRIG, ONCE, or HALF, which means that all the other sample trigs also trigger the LFO, which means that at the step where I want the sample slice to change, it will always end up as the same value because it re-triggers the LFO.