Hello, I’m not one to complain about much, I freakin love elektron gear, p-locks and soundlocks separate them from basically everyone else making hardware.
After spending every waking minute with the octatrack MK2 for the last two weeks, I am starting to actually try and bring my visions to life now. First thing I notice is that I cannot trigger full control of 64 slices of a track with a midi controller ? only 4 pages x 16 triggers via the octatrack unit itself ?!
Slice sampling long phrases is the bane of my existence, I looked up this feature assuming I just didn’t have it enabled, I can’t even believe this isn’t a feature. Out of all the wild ideas I had, I figured at the end of the day, if nothing panned out, I have a sweet hardware sampler.
I know Elektron does their own thing, and I respect them for it, but I can’t really believe this… this is a core fundamental of sampling, why would they not include this feature ? Its not a complicated feature in any way either.
I apologize if this is a common feature request. Does anyone who is tight with elektron have any idea if this feature will be added at a later date? Personally, I would sacrifice almost all other midi IN features in exchange for full control of sliced long phrase sample.
Yep. Please, please add this. I think it’s bevause of a lack of available midi notes. Simple solution: create a second “autochannel” just for slices. Maybe not the most elegant, but it would definitely work.
Still a feature request of course (you can add slots midi triggering) but there are workarounds with midi processors, sending CC17 (START) and CC48 (crosfader) before a note.
Works perfectly.
I can put it on the RK-002/DUY portal if you wish, then anyone can program it on the cable via a MIDI interface without having to install and compile on arduino ( https://www.retrokits.com/rk002/exchange )
Ok, well here’s a direct link to the DUY sketch, anyone interested can upload the DUY-sketch to an RK-002. (Google Chrome browser is preferred when using WebMIDI)
I might be confused re the discussion above. Are you guys saying that with the RK-002 cable and this script, we can connect a MIDI pad controller (like tha Akai MPD26) and auto-convert MIDI notes to CC data that will play Octatrack slices?
And if so, can the Octatrack record/sequence what we play from the pad controller as well?
Somewhat predictably I can’t get this to function at all.
If I ‘upload’ the firmware, I end up with a cable which doesn’t seem to pass any data at all.
No pixel flashing on Octatrack. Nothing. Has anyone uploaded and got this working ?