Triggering slices with midi notes?

Champions du monde ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@bambrose, I tried with a midi monitor, it seems to work, sending correct messages.
What is your gear ? Powered midi out ?
Even with wrong channel, midi notes pass thru.

Here are my settings for channel 1 :

@grit I have to close that window, to update changes, not practical.
With default settings (CLOCKMODE 0), RK002 sends its Clock.
CLOCKMODE 2 is better with OT, which should be master clock in general.

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updates on those parameters should be ā€˜update-on-changeā€™ but it might be I did not mute the notes on midi out - I will need to check the script. I can change the clock mode to 2 on default


Ok thanks. :thup:

Seems to be ok with right channel, it sends C6(84) note only, and with other channels it pass thru notes normally so the behaviour seems normal.

ok so I need to mute notes on every channel? Or can I leave that as-is and just do the clock thing?

Just CLOCKMODE 2, for the moment. :slight_smile:
I can add a velocity to Volume parameter. Would you want it now ?

ā€¦ No possibly not. Fatar Studio 49 : (aka piece of shit)

Thanks, youā€™re right thatā€™s quite likely the reason.

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Ok. You can try with OT, midi loopback, with ClockMode 2. OT alone first.

@grit something like that for velocity (eventually optional)

ok, I added the CC25 and set the clock mode to 2 by default. By the way: Remember that the MIDI channels on the RK-002 config page for this sketch count from 0 to 15, NOT 1 to 16.


so i think my current project is linked to this threadā€¦ here goes.

i want a track that allows me to trigger slices via a midi fighter pro (the button one.)
each button triggering a slice.
the crossfade being used to do the scratching/dj style effect (tweaking rate and pitch as it moves left and right).

the track doesnt need to be playing a sequence or triggering them in sync (but that could be handy), but iā€™ve barely touched that type of thing.

any general ideas on where to look ? and iā€™ll start trawling through manuals, cc charts , djtech tools apps , usb/midi host boxes etc.

Here in that thread ! :slight_smile:
So you need some gear able to send a note and the CC corresponding to a slice before. A regular gear sending notes + a midi processor can do the job.

But there is a latency. 17ms or something before the slice number is changed.

The only known workaround is to use the crossfader with slice assignment, so you canā€™t use it except if you record slices and change and change a scene.
Needed midi messages to control slices are :
CC48 (crossfader) + C6 note.
If you want to record slices, you have to send :
CC17 (slices) + CC48 + C6 note.

I use it with my Taktile 49 keyboard (pads + arp), changing pitch / rate with the pitchbend and modwheel, Event Processor Plus or RK002 for midi processing.


Seems like a lot of effort.
Maybe Iā€™ll try something else , this thread looks long and youā€™ve probably got the best method ,

I think I also need to repair my function key , itā€™s intermittent and very annoying for trying to do anything on OT at the moment.

My hunt for this still continues.

Is there a current Max device that can trigger the slices on the OT that I can use? Iā€™m wanting to trigger this from my Push.

Iā€™d like to fork each track on the Octatrack to different push instrument racks. Iā€™ve been poking around with Little-Scalers Note to CC, but I donā€™t know what the H Iā€™m doing and I canā€™t find any documentation on it.

Surely there has to be someone that has made something for this right?

Thank you

Was trying with the new midi out on A4 to play slices on the Octatrack.
Is this possible? I would like to sequence it from the A4 fx and cv tracks
Couldnā€™t get it to work as yet but Iā€™m fairly new to the octa.

Many threads tutorials about midi out from OT
But canā€™t find anything about midi in

I wish Elektron would just change this in the firmware, having to use a midi processor is a pain.

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Only the first time! :smile:

Good luck!

So did you read thread?

If you use the crossfader CC48, you canā€™t trigger all tracks, because the slice setting is linked to the scenes, hence to all tracks.
If you use CC17 only, thereā€™s a latency.

Canā€™t you try to make a Max Script by yourself? Basically you need to map notes numbers to CC48 values, CC17 additionally if you want to record slices on OTā€™s sequencer.
Add a C6 note as target. Try and post here if you are stuck.

My question was moved here from somewhere else and hadnā€™t read it when I asked

Yep, I understood it like that. So will you try with MAX?

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Not going to try doing a half and half thing with the Octatrack for now,
Iā€™m either going to just make stuff on it and just record it to ableton
or just use ableton until I learn it fully

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RK002 Octatrack Sample Slice Trigger

#include <RK002.h>

#define APP_NAME ā€œOctatrack Sample Slice Triggerā€
#define APP_AUTHOR ā€œRetrokitsā€
#define APP_VERSION ā€œ0.1ā€
#define APP_GUID ā€œ5fb7608a-75d1-4b3c-9bee-6d7612c727fbā€


  • Small sketch to trigger sample slices from external keyboard on the Octatrack
  • Code from Triggering slices with midi notes? - #228 by sezare56
  • Thanks to sezare56 for setting up the controller values
  • [CHANNEL] - midi channel to perform changes (0-15 = midi channel 1=16)
  • default is MIDI channel 1 (value 0)
  • [TEMPOTRHU] pass MIDI clock yes(1, default) or no(0)
  • [CLOCKMODE] MIDI tempo handling:
  •        0 = auto sense (RK-002 adopts to external tempo or generates)
  •        1 = internal MIDI clock generator
  •        2 = force slave to external MIDI clock
  • Not sure if tempothru and clockmode are nescessary, but perhaps they come in handy if the RK-002 is used in loopback mode.



//handler for tempo modifications:

bool RK002_onStart(){
if(RK002_paramGet(TEMPOTHRU)) return true;
return false;

bool RK002_onStop(){
if(RK002_paramGet(TEMPOTHRU)) return true;
return false;

bool RK002_onClock(){
if(RK002_paramGet(TEMPOTHRU)) return true;
return false;

bool RK002_onNoteOn(byte channel, byte key, byte velocity){
// modification: insert control changes for sample sliceā€¦
// ā€¦ and replace note key to fixed note
return false;
// just pass original message
return true;

bool RK002_onControlChange(byte channel,byte number,byte value){
// just pass messages
return true;

// initialize
void setup()
RK002_clockSetMode(RK002_paramGet(CLOCKMODE)); // ext mode 0 = auto, 1 = int, 2 = ext

// the main loop
void loop()