Trouble live recording melodies with DN

Hello there.

I have recently acquired a digitone and have been recording melodies live from an external midi keyboard.

I have encountered a problem which i think might not be possible to resolve exactly but thought I’d ask here just to be sure I’m not missing anything.

Say I’m recording a melody, played polyphonically with different chords, if i hold a note and then change to different notes throughout that sequence, some notes will sustain in the live recorded sequence after I’ve stopped playing them.

So If I’m playing a melody and sustain a note, all the other notes i play after that will sustain while the initial trigger was made.

A little hard to explain what I’m trying to say…

One workaround is to release all the keys before playing the next chord although this isn’t how I’ve written the melodies and doing so can be a bit tricky sometimes.

Would be great to record them exactly how i play them into the digitone but slightly unsure whats going on and if there’s anything i can do to get around it.


Hi, if your midi keyboard controller has a split function, I might recommend assigning the left hand to one track and the right hand to another track. It might be wise to lock the single voice to the track that the lead hand is playing for consistency.

By playing on 2 tracks you should avoid the chord behavior, I don’t know if there’s a way around what you’re describing so I’m just trying to think of how you can get the Digitone to play multitimbrally and not have the lead notes be part of the same chord grouping while retaining the live record method that you’re using.

Maybe someone else has a better solution but if you have lead and chords playing the same patch currently, just load the same patch to the 2 different tracks and if it’s midi channel 1 and 2 (for example) left hand split midi channel 1, right hand split midi channel 2.

That’s all I got, good luck.

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Cheers for the input! Unfortunately I don’t think my midi keyboard has a split function although that would be an interesting way to use the digitone and has got me thinking… I could always split the compositions into multiple tracks, one at a time individually. This would also give me more control over the sound which is good.

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It is possible to get stuck notes if you change track selection while playing…

Did you check their LENgth value ?


Are you recording on the auto-channel? IME the DN can do funky things in live record mode in regards to the note length unless you are recording on the auto channel.


Have just had a look at the length values. Think I’ve worked out whats happening. Say I start the sequence playing a F and a C, and then move to a F and a B, while holding the F, I think that the C will share the same length value as the F. The B will create a new trigger independent of the F while the F and C are still playing.

Is it possible to alter the length value of a single note in a chord on one trigger?

Might be wrong with this but that’s what seems to be going on so far.

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This was initially through the numbered channels, tried it out on the auto channel as you suggested and it appears to be behaving the same way :confused:

Possible on DN2.
On DN1 the workaround is to put that note on another trig, shift it with microtiming if necessary…


Yeah I don’t know if you can do this on the DN 1 except maybe by using two different tracks with the same track sounds.

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Pretty sure it is possible on the same track, notes can overlap.
You can even do this with soundlocks, ex : put a snare, shift hihat with microtiming to have it on same timing. Up to 3 soundlocks, 8 voices max.