I use 2 Octatracks. One is for drums, the other instruments.
Drums are laid out like so:
- Kick,
- snare
- hats
- rides/perc
- sliced loop (complements main drums)
- flex track for recording/looping/slicing/mangling
- Crash (quantized trig)
- Master (often has a compressor on it)
I’m thinking of removing the crash track and using it for something more interesting, like a second slicing mangling track.
Instruments on Octatrack 2 are rendered stems, cut into sections of song, kind of like cue points!
Tracks are
- Bass
- Lead
- Bed (every other instrument in the track)
- Flex track for recording/playback/looping/mangling
- Interactive instrument
Some tracks I re-create instruments here, like a synth with a filter I can open/close or slices to trigger by hand. Something interactive and cool to tweak. Often it’s used for risers/buildup sounds I control by hand with scenes which is really fucking cool
- Either Neighbour track for more fx, or a spare for slicing/looping/mangling etc.
- Mix-in player
I use this like a virtual second dj deck to fade in the next track. I have pre-rendered introductions of my songs I can load up and crossfade in to whenever I like.
I chose do do it this way instead of looping the ending of songs and using the transition trick because I can tailor make the perfect intros with less dense instrumentation or fx, without drums etc. It’s very effective.
- Master
As for how to perform this… I’m still changing things around a little, but it’s basically like so…
Patterns are arranged using the arrangements. Specific fills and sections need to happen at specific times, and manually selecting drum patterns is too stressful and doesn’t add to the performance.
If you want to skip to another song you have to scroll down the arrangement playlist to find what you want. If you need time, you can record and loop your drums while you stuff around.
Scenes control filtering, pitch, repeats, sample reverses, reverb, add extra loops, whatever! It’s fun to mess with individual drum hits across the board.
My latest method for instruments is to have patterns with the 3 stem tracks loaded up. The pattern is a sandbox. Once the track is playing I can record and mangle the song if I like, to make crazy transitions, new instruments to layer on top, anything. When I want to play the next song, I choose my mix-in to crossfade into and manually select the next pattern with my next song loaded into it’s part. Then I activate the one-shot trigs once the mix-in is coming to an end and voila, you’re into your next track sandbox!
It’s essentially DJ’ing with stems + much more interactivity! It’s a hell of a lot of fun. It takes a while to prepare, but Octaedit has my back now! Massive timesaver.
Physical setup:
OT 1 is midi master, sends CC, transport and tempo
OT 2 is slave, receives CC, transport and tempo
On every drum pattern from OT 1 has a midi track that ducks (most often) OT 2’s bass track. It has trigs that mirror kick and/or snare depending on what the track requires.
This gives me the power to change from one track’s drums to another’s and still have it sound natural without strange pre-rendered side-chaining.
OT 1’s output to OT 2’s CD input. I also have a Kaoss Pad Quad that is output through OT 2’s CUE output, and back into it’s AB input for extra hands on effects. I can output any track to CUE output, mess with the kaoss pad, record what i’ve done etc. Good fun.
I hope that was interesting to read and understandable! I should probably make a youtube video about this or something!
Cheers dudes