Hello guys
While upgrading the Analog Rytm OS I recalled a thread (or a couple of threads) here at Electronauts (or maybe it was Gearslutz) where someone mentioned that, along with one of the previous Rytm OS updates, a new reverb/delay mode was introduced. That other mode was (supossedly) called something along the lines of “Legacy mode” and its aim was to accentuate the reverb and delay. I started going through my AR options / menus / config and couldn’t find and fx mode switch whatsoever. It’s been a couple of hours now and I’m starting to think I’m a lunatic and I was bloody halucinating when I read those threads. I’m aware of the pre/post switch for the delay and reverb in the distortion section but I`m pretty sure that other mode was something completely different. I’m going crazy… :((( Heeeeeeeelp!!!