Waveform chains

This has been covered before I think but I thought I would give an update on a nice way to add a plethora of synth sounds to the AR. I’m using audacity and splicing 60 AK wav forms at a time. I’m thinking you could even do 120. I’ll stick with 60 though. There are like 3-4000 wav forms but they are all the same length so it’s really easy to do. It just takes a buttload of time. I’ve only finished one so far. I’m thinking to do the whole collection in my spare time at work.

I’m having a problem with clicking though.
Any suggestions?

When i tried it it struck me that it just wasn’t as accurate as it would be with the OT. I think if you use fewer longer waves you’ll get better results and obviously some material will be more forgiving

Thanks. I’ve added several stabs with great success as well, even as chains.

I was really hoping I could get the akwaves to work though. Some seemed ok but not all. I’m going to try with 40, 30 and 20 to see if I can get better results.

what is waveform chains?? i 'm a begginer of AR and I’m learning, sorry for my srupid question

it’s something akin to what the OT can do

Instead of loading a sample with a single hit/waveform

load a few more, but keep the start times equip-spaced and ensure it’s for a total number of waves that falls into the pattern of the 120 divisions

so if you sequence two different waves, identical length, you can use the start param (and end point) to select which wave shape you want
up to a max of 120

it’s simpler on OT as you specify start point and length, so one step more with AR, but this also allows AR to go backwards

ie (re above simple example)

start0 end60 will play sample A
start60 end 120 will play B
start 120 end60 will play B backwards

and so on

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What I was trying to put 60 single cycle waves on one sample. When you loop a single wave as described above, it will create a synth like sound.
Unfortunately, I’m getting clicks which keeps this tool from working well.

The clicks are only at the beginning and not for every wave. I’m wondering why it’s not a constant click?!.

Would adding a micro snippet of silence at the beginning and between each wave help or make it worse?

More likely to be an issue than help your prob
Careful accurate editing may help
Ensuring you have zero level at start finish etc
I wasn’t convinced it was that accurate in selecting within well prepared chains, but the jury is still out til i give it another go

I think you’re right on all accounts. Especially the idea that the paremeters aren’t clean enough for such small waves. The waves sound fine by themselves and some sound fine in the chain. Stranger still, I swear some tracks worked better than others but that’s probably my imagination. I can load single samples just fine but it seems like such a waste of a sample slot.

I think the OT just has this corner of the market all to itself. I loaded SCWF into my microsampler with pretty good results but only one per sample slot as well. Curious about that waldorf nave app, but it doesn’t offer the AR sequencer and effects…,

What if I doubled the wave and limited the chain to 40 SCWF (or tripled it). It wouldn’t add much time, since 60 was less than a second in length. I guess we’d have to call them double cycle but maybe then it would be easier to find a sweet spot.

That’s what i would try, just to find out the constraints of the technique, if any.

Just a heads up I loaded 30 samples and doubled them and it works much better. I did try and find waves that ‘fit’ together though. It’s nice bc I can zoom into different parts and get a good variety of different sounds, perhaps a lot more than thirty. And no clicks.

thanks avantronica, but I’ve never seen this trick. Can you explain the way you do

it’s essentially the same technique as assembling sample chains for the OT, so searching google like this e.g. Link will lead to a better understanding

the AR is less flexible in that the slicing needs to fit neatly into 1/120-ths of the total length

best thing to do is find a sample chain and trim it to 60 samples long and then vary the start and end points, you’ll soon find your way and the potential benefits will become clear

e.g if 60 samples sequentially (equal length)
then start 0 end 2 picks out sample ‘slot’ 1
srart 4 end 6 plays sample ‘slot’ 3
and so on

start 4 end 2 plays slot 2 backwards

these samples ideally need to be starting and ending at level zero so they loop nicely


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idk know how to link a file but i loaded dcwf01 in files.
@pluspeach, there are 30, so technically you should select multiples of four; like start at 1 end at 4. However, choosing 2-3 will also work bc the waveform has been doubled.

And, I tried really hard to get complimentary waves connected so things like 4-5 will often work as well.

then just make sure the loop is on, go to chromatic and play with the filter.

right click on download box, then copy link




oh i see now, thank you

So, I’ve made three more dcwf (*30) chains.
Does anybody find these useful?
Should I bother posting them?

Or maybe just wait until I get more done?

thanks for the info everyone, to see if and understood. You process a chain of 120 sounds and then select analog rytm each sampler with knobs of start and end of the page sampler, right?

Really the answer is above but I’ll explain again.

A chain is group of connected sounds that can be split up evenly. This means all of the sounds are the exact same length and divisible by a specific number.

By 120 is technically possible with the AR (128 with OT, or 64 not sure exactly). Generally machines ‘chop’ in multiples of 4, 8, 12 or 16. The AR is an anomaly.

However, the AR is not really precise enough to run chains by 120, at least not with waves. So I tried 60 but found single cycle wave forms did not work well by 60. So I lowered it to 30 but still found the waves wouldn’t always dial in well. Then I doubled the waveforms. Now it’s much easier to find a sweet spot but these are probably not exactly what the waveforms were intended to sound like.

Now a single cycle wave form is like this; all sound produces waves, hence sound waves. If you loop these waves they can produce a constant sound. I have been looking for waves that match like a puzzle so that when connect them in a chain they don’t pop and click.


I finished three more yesterday, up to 7. Probably just do about 50-75 and offer a download.
Sure hope they never change it to 128!

Btw it’s 0-120, right? So technically start 0 end 0 should produce no sound imho. However it still produces sound. Does this mean we’re actually dealing with a loop multiple of 121!??