Just started using MIDI Trigs. As well as being unmentioned in the manual as far as i can tell, MIDI Trigs behave really strangely when Scale Mode is set to Per Track.
Okay so in Normal Scale Mode they do what you expect - they start those MIDI tracks which have been set to Plays Free.
But switch on Per Track and you get:
- An orange light on step 1 of all tracks set to Plays Free, whether in Grid Record or Tracks mode
-tracks with a trig on step 1 - you hear just that one trig, no later trigs
-tracks without a trig on step 1 - you hear nothing, even if there are trigs later in the pattern
- you cannot now add a trig to that step (1) using Grid Record. You can add others, but not step 1, not even when you shift one onto it using FUNCTION & LEFT. Well you can move one there but it won’t play with MIDI Trig until you set Scale Mode back to Normal
When you DO set scale mode back to normal, one or more tracks starts firing off every few beats without you pressing anything! Not the whole pattern just a single note message going out at an interval unrelated to the BPM or scale!
Oh and those orange lights on step 1 stick around for a bit too
I can kind of see the use of having a mode on the midi tracks akin to Sample trigs on the sample tracks, but thats what this is supposed to be it isnt really working…
1.25H btw
I’d be really interested to know if others can replicate this or no