So as someone who purchased elektron because I know next to nothing about music and guide myself purely on what sounds good.
What DAWs or plugins offer similar workflow to Elektron gear? I used to have Maschine and found it to be very intuitive and easy to use, it has the same step by step layout and it’s really friendly for those of us that rely on computers to keep things in tune. The thing is it was a little bit too basic and can only store only a few paramaters from a synth, which is not that big of a deal but if there is something better…
I am currently selling my Elektron gear and some people are offering gear for trades, I don’t want to be left without music making gear so I am considering something to accept with money, many people have Maschine and are looking to move to hardware.
Lastly I have Reaper with it’s own MIDI sequencer, I currently do not have the time to try it out and have nothing to sequence (I need to find a license for my FM8 synth), if anyone can comment on how it is in terms of ease of use, I’d appreciate it.
I would say if you already have reaper, learn that!
I am pretty sure it’s a full fledged DAW. Someone correct me if not.
And if you want a groove box setup look into maschine mk3, has a built in audio and midi interface so you can grow from there in the future.
Or maybe an mpc, touch if you want to be working with the computer.
Mpc live if you want a mix of stand alone and with the computer.
Why are you ditching the elektron stuff?
Why are you looking to reinvent your proverbial wheel?
There really isn’t much you can’t do with different gear that for the most part you can’t do with the stuff you’ve mentioned. The workflow might be a bit different but the end state will be very similar imo.
This is coming from someone who’s gone through tons of gear, from workstation keyboard and rack gear to groove boxes, elektron stuff 3 différent MPCs and 3 DAWs.
I need the money, so I am selling the Elektron gear, I have the 3 black MK1 boxes, I do not have as much time as I used to, running AR, A4 and OT is a bit too much to keep for casual music making, plus again the money.
I would like to avoid luxury DAWs, like Ableton Push which will eat into the money I get from selling Elektrons, used Maschine or something will only take away a few hundred bucks from the price so it’s not too bad.
I want to see what’s out there, like I said, depending on how the selling goes, if I only get someone who wants to trade + money I need to at least see what are the options.
well because I have used many DAWs in the past, as well as Maschine and Reason. But it’s been years since I touched anything else and things have changed a ton. Like I heard that Reason is pretty much a DAW now and not just a plug in with instruments. I heard Logic routing is intuitive and easy now, Pro Tools is subscription based etc etc. … Anyway, I am not starting from zero basically.
As far as what I am looking for… well I guess someting like Maschine, windows that let me sequence multiple instruments in one easy to navigate layout, stuff like that. I don’t know, think Elektron, set triggers and then modulate them without having to punch stuff individually on an electronic sheet.
My favourite for sequencing & modulation is Reason.
Start with a simple step sequence then go nuts with modulating the sh*t out of everything. If you want to go even deeper theres all kinds of routing tricks.
Want OT style slicing & mangling? Dr Octorex is perfect for that sort of thing
I use MuLab now and then, just the free version. It’s a bit limited but good enough. The full version is inexpensive if you find it works for you.
Hmm, well if I sell the Octatrack I can get the Maschine and have money left.
Nevertheless I would like to hear about the sequencing you are talking about. I have never used the OT in conjunction with a computer in any way shape or form. Had no idea you could even do that. I know it can sequence external synths but how do you sequence plug ins and such?
I love Reaper and use it all the time, but I don’t think even its biggest fans would say it’s the best for ‘simple sequencing’. it has MIDI capabilities but really its strengths are more in the mixing realm. thing is, you’re always gonna want some kind of physical interface, and if you’re avoiding hardware that leaves you with Ableton/Push (expensive as you say) or Maschine, which you’ve already tried.
I like Ableton especially when paired with the Push controller it is closest thing to Elektron gear with a laptop. I use Ableton Live 10 now in the studio with my Push 2 controller and the workflow is fast. I still prefer using my Elektrons for live performance and jamming but the Ableton works well. I also use Cubase for longer compositions.