I always see all these posts about how people use all these aspects of the OT that I rarely, if ever use. I’m wondering how many people here only use the OT for one or very few things compared to what it has to offer.
On my end, I pretty much never record directly into it, I don’t know if I’ve ever used a Pick-up machine, and I don’t think I could overdub on this thing to save my life. I also rarely use it for constructing full songs. Instead, it acts mostly as a MIDI sequencer for fun jams and to get new ideas, and a sample mangler which is then recorded into my DAW for further use.
Sometimes, I feel like I have more $$ tied up in this box than I take advantage of, but then I realize there isn’t anything else out there that works quite like it.
The only recording I do with it is for live remixing of my Model Samples, and Typhon. And for transitions.
I don’t record into it to bring in audio to work on tunes, in the traditional sense. I just use a DAW for that. The audio I use to write tracks on it all come in on the CF card.
I never use the arranger, just like all other hardware I’ve ever owned that had a song mode.
While I do use a Twister controller for some audio tracks, I don’t use the CC direct connect, since the parameters the Twister controls are not ones I want to interact with on the OT and I only use the Twister on the same Bank and Part (controlling FX for external input tracks). It’s something I could set up, but then I’d have to complicate my setup with a thru box and additional MIDI cables, and changing control setups on my other gear. It’s just easier for me to ignore the CC direct connect feature.
Cue outs aren’t used either, as my inputs are all taken up by MS and Typhon, and I don’t want to add a mixer to bring back an FX return. So the Blackhole pedal I use is a master reverb run out of the main outs at about 20% wet with the low reverberations killed.
Finally, I try not to use multiple projects. Preferring to make the most of a single project so that I have the most material available for live performance without project reload. Occasionally I’ll copy the project and remove the stuff I won’t use live from the new copy, to make room for new material. And then the old stuff just lives on the backups. Constantly iterating.
I no longer have one but when I did, I rarely used pickup machines (flex and record trigs are a far more elegant solution). I never used slicing or time stretching either, as the beats I fed it were of my own creation on other Elektrons and I preferred to use trigs with different sample starts p-locked instead. Same thing with longer melodic samples. Otherwise, I really abused flex tracks, record buffers, neighbour machines for chaining FX on guitar, the midi arp, and the Arranger (if I didn’t have my hands free). Cue outs were next to useless for me, but I could see them being useful for multitracking stuff to a DAW.
My top use of the cue outs isn’t to send a signal to the outside world, but to utilize it as additional internal mix bus to sample from (sum up a few tracks and apply the same effects to them or do some parallel processing).
I feel like you are asking me to list all the features I can’t remember. So personally I am kind of useless. But it is interesting the variety features are mentioned in this thread as it highlights how many different workflows the OT accommodates.
My thought is I will eventually use all the features, unless I buy more stuff and get distracted. I just gotta keep on octatracking.
@AdamJay You should try the arranger mode out, it’s fun. It’s more performance friendly than I thought it would be. I’ve especially enjoy the convenience of automatically jumping banks and changing scenes (both at the same time even).
Rarely ever use:
Neighbour (waste of a track to me)
Master track (waste of a track to me)
Delay trig mode
Freeze delay
More than 1 bank per project
Midi sequencer
…be assured, vast majority of ot users don’t even use half of it’s features frequently…
there are even quite a lot, who stumble over functions they have never seen or even heard of ever before, after using it since ages already…
Does anybody use the feature to p-lock the sampling source on recorder trigs? That’s one of the features I was most impressed about in the early days, and still think it‘s crazy feature, whatever it might be useful for.
I just started pressing different rec buttons while recording (the manual version of the feature), switches or layers inputs like a charm…
I think the lack of tracks really depend on music genre that is produced.
The neighbourg and the master track seems great and i would cry if they were not there.
Maybe one day you will use these features that are not necessary to you now though? Its like saying i never play jazz or blues on my keyboard. One day you might. Who knows the future?