There’s always a reason why one can’t/won’t make good art.
But it’s not about the industry, it’s about common patterns of frustration at its core.
This is all GAS navel gazing and pertinent to the frustration/desire feedback loop with rants seeking to justify the through pattern over making music.
There will never be perfect instruments, it is counterproductive to creation to focus on how there are no perfect instruments.
What about game tech? When I look at the PS5 and what’s released so far I’m extremely disappointed. So much power and hardly anything that pushes it. My favourite company Naughty Dog so far released nothing new for the PS5. But also the amount of bugs that needs to be fixed after a release has become the norm. It just sucks period. Back in the days there were no updates. A game just worked or you were screwed.
If I look at history in tech and how much developers did with the little power in chips they got compared to what’s possible now I do think something went very wrong. Most feels rushed.
What is available now is a massive leap forward compared to what was available 30 years ago. Perhaps if one has a shorter time horizon for “the past” it might not look like it, but it is also hard to see the future while it is still happening.
Machine Learning will doubtless be a forever tool for most creative pursuits going forward, including music, but we are still figuring out exactly what that will look like.
Look at other arenas: we haven’t markedly improved the coffee maker in that span of time, despite the ability to design a machine that automatically adjusts for temperature, humidity, and air pressure.
The bicycle hasn’t improved overmuch for the last 15 years (and in the eyes of some, not for the last 30).
We have easily reached the point where technical limitations are no longer an impediment to creating music - and as most have noted a computer is that apex device.
Or one becomes calcified and less aware of the world around them. The world loses its magic and it’s harder to reconnect with novelty and fun without drifting into magical thinking over genuine connection.
Ultimately technical concerns and product designs are not the underlying dissatisfaction.
What makes you think so? You decided that the topic I initiated is not about the industry, but about me? So saying “look this little thing had 16 tracks 20 years ago and now we seem to be hoping for 8 in some cases” is an illegitimate thought or something? One I shouldn’t have, and certainly not share under any circumstances?
I think you have a good point here, combined with the fact that the people who do have those kind of skills can make way way more money outside of the music tech field.
GAS venting and needing validation over frustrations with tools not existing is the definition of a self help problem.
Rationalizations for why one isn’t making music is seeking community in frustrations, and that stuff needs to be noted, maybe not for your learning so much as it just becomes a thing in online communities.
We all have complaints about what we have, but I’d rather wrap my brain around my tools than hunt any more for what works for my end.
Do you have a bunch of other hobbies? There are always frustrations with cameras, I have issues getting the perfect artistic vision out with visual art too, but it’s not my paints either.