I’m taking straight off the bat. It just gives that vibe of sadness/melancholia.(Not because it sounds crap lol). Every-time its played makes you feel a sense of sadness/reminisce etc.
I think theremins at least express melancholy the best.
As for synths I’ve owned… I’d say Sequential Rev2, Dreadbox Nyx V1 or Korg Lamda.
I like the OB-Xd for this. I always seem to get something melancholic (or sad, dark, mysterious, etc.) out of it. And it’s free “for non-commercial use”.
I’d have to say mine… my synth is definitely the most melancholic.
I read about the terrible tragedies of mans inhumanity to man and recorded the sounds of my subsequent tears falling into my KD lit by a single bare lightbulb in my squalid studio apartment next to the railroad tracks and downwind from the rendering plant, then loaded those onto my OT
Ondes Martenot / Ondomo :]
Ensoniq ESQ-1 or SQ-80
Plinky is advertised as such:
The Junost-21 I talked down mightily in another thread is pretty bleak. I keep it around for that goth album I’ll probably never make.
Lyra 8
100% Lyra 8. I love it, but that thing can get pretty out there fast
Any synth through a Quadraverb.
Lyra 8 through Quadraverb.
Korg Volca Keys is pretty melancholic. So are most dreadbox synths.
Isnt the most melancholic “sound” a train horn in the distance in the middle of the night?
According to the Romantics, it’s the absinthe
+1 on both volca keys and the dsi prophet 8/rev2/mopho/tetra family