What's your vacation setup?

Currently hesitating between taking with me only my Syntakt, or this temporary USB-powered setup made for focusing on DT and MicroMonsta 2, to create loads of samples. I guess the final decision will depend on how much room left there’s in the car after packing all the kids’ stuff :sweat_smile:

Not pictured here, but would also put my Zoom H1n in the backpack for beach, sea & camping life sampling :smiley:

What’s your vacation setup for this summer? Pics FTW!


I almost never go on vacation. When I have I didn’t bring gear. But if I was going to it’d be either the Blackbox or LXR-02. Because those are the smallest items I have that are still capable of serious music making. BB gets bonus points for being easily battery powerable.

Had polyend tracker with me.
Made 3 mediocre tracks, because I enjoyed biking, swimming and good company more :wink:

Wouldn’t take more than one box with me.


That’s also why I’m hesitating with taking only the Syntakt, as I’ll probably get too lazy/busy anyway to use all of that. Though sampling sessions tends to be shorter than ST sessions with me ^^


I have one coming up. I just sold my MPC live, as I couldn’t financially justify an MPC Keys, Live, AND Octatrack.

So that means the OT is making the trip. May bring the Ambika with it when it arrives. Possibly a launchpad pro as well.

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Usually I take a PO33 with me but I sold it as holidays were the only time I was using it🙄. This time I downloaded Koala on my phone and paid for the Samurai upgrade. Was great, such a fun and capable app + nothing extra to pack. Recorded a couple of sounds from a digital piano before going and also remixed some old tunes I had on bandlab using Split Stems. This feature is great for finding new melodies and does a pretty good job of extracting the drums too.


Mines an iPad air m1, Swiss army knife of holiday beat making and entertainment…

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Getting an OP-1 F for vacations.

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Always bring too much stuff, audio interface mics, digitakt, laptop, push. Never gets used enough to justify the weight. I’m travelling right now, just brought my laptop, a launchpad mk3 and record some field recordings with my phone. Seems to do the trick :blush:

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SP404mk2, or maybe MPC Live2 plus mic/s

Any apps you can recommend?

My vacation setup is a lawn chair and a cooler of beer.


In the studio?


Haha, yes.


I can recommend koala sampler. It’s great.

I still have to redo my profile pick, now the Mk2 has since been replaced by an A4 Mk1. We’re car camping so no issue to bring it. I really liked the A4 last time, since I focused less on making tracks and more on learning synthesis.

OP1 and a couple of Pocket Operators for me!

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Spacecraft granular on iPhone and some pre chopped samples was a nice easy low stress one for my recent trip. And koala of course, with my favorite drum samples loaded in files as well.

Generated some nice textures and loops quite easily, and nothing I wouldn’t have carried with me anyways

Multiple times I’ve brought a laptop, interface, vertical mouse, hard drive w/ samples, and even synths, and I just end up never using them. If I vacationed for more than a week, I would squeeze in some extras though.

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I have tried them all, op1, opz, deluge…now I have come to terms with the fact that the iPad is all I need and it’s packed anyway…I used to take the sensel morph with me (little BT MPE controller) but I have even stoped taking that now….just the iPad is more than enough, it’s a full recording studio!