I’m not sure what setting I have on or what, but when I click stop on my A4 the active pattern blinks between whatever I was working on and pattern A-1. The kit changes as well. This means I can’t edit the pattern I was working on while my system is stopped. What do I do to not have this happen? I’ve looked in chain/song (which I don’t use currently) and I don’t see anything.
I bet this is in the manual, but I’ve looked it over for a while now and can’t figure it out and its driving me nuts. Thanks for answering my noobish question!
besides chain and song mode only multi map or an external prg change would change patterns.
are you hooked to a sequencer? maybe it sends a program change?
try disable receive program change in the sync menu
Thanks for the reply jox! It happens even when I’m not externally sequenced from my octatrack (and I’m not seeing any program changes in my midi traffic). I have nothing turned on in multimap.
As far as I can tell I don’t have a chain or song on… neither are lit up.
to be sure, go in to song and chain edit mode and have a look if something is going on there.
besides that, i am clueless.
did you try, if this also happens in another project, any incoming cables removed (usb and midi)
Going inside as far as I can tell there was nothing going on. I tried loading a new project just now and it still happens.
Here is a clip of the issue. Before I play, note the blinking pattern #. A1 is the one loaded if going into step record on any track, but as soon as I push play it’ll switch back to the pattern I was on:
remove the midi cable, and if attached the usb cable (i see you are synced to something external)
the pattern number in brackets also makes me suspect at something coming in
I started with the midi-in cable removed but plugged it in halfway through. I left the midi-thru cable plugged in but just to be sure I tested just now with it removed and have the same issue. I do not have usb plugged in.