Will these knobs fit?

Hi ! I’m new here, just but a secondhand model:cycles and the factory knobs on it are a bit dirty so I want replace them.

I did a bit of research but I can’t seem to find the exact dimensions, do you think these ones will fit without any issue ?

Thanks !

I think that the 6mm D shaft should fit, but I’d look for the ones without the indicator line. Usually, you only want that kind of marker on a master volume knob. Most encoders are “endless” making the indicator just a point of confusion.

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Okay thanks ! And what about the height, can this be a problem ? Cause I don’t want it to “scratch” the surface, especially the two “push” knobs.

I’m pretty sure that the flat spot at the bottom of the D shaped shaft will act as a buffer zone and prevent that, but even if it didn’t, they don’t make the interior of these knobs very deep.

The height of the top of the knob off of the deck will depend on the overall knob height and won’t impact the amount of travel. Since only the inner hole diameter and not the depth is given, contact the seller if you’re concerned about it, they can probably provide a measurement for you.

Elektron support can also sell you another factory original knob set if you email them through the support link on the website, so just another option.

Thanks a lot for the infos !!

No problem.

Is it possible to post some update/reply if you order this knobs, I am also interested into it. Tnx

…would not replace the push encoder ones…

while all others can profit a lot from a little bigger size in diameter…
with no markers engraved, as @shigginpit suggests wisely…