Windows 7 x64 with Overbridge v2.7.9

Has ANYONE been able to get Overbridge 2.7.9 working successfully on windows 7 x64???

Been butting my head against this wall all night!


Hey, I’m afraid that’s not going to work for you. Check out the linked thread for further details, I believe windows 10 is part of the minimum system requirements, sorry dude.

I do see this though, so if the other requirements seem to be met, see if this applies to you:

I’m not sure how driver signature enforcement works, but I’d bet that your antivirus won’t be happy about it.

In fact, I’m guessing that unless this is an offline computer only, that to pursue it would be ill advised. If it never connects to the internet and you won’t be putting unknown sourced software on it then I don’t really see it as a huge risk.

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I was warned that Overbridge was more trouble than its worth…

I’m not in a position where I’m willing nor able to force a massive system update from win7 to win10 just to get this blady thing working…

Thanks Obama/Elektron

lol I don’t know about more trouble than it’s worth, but perhaps incompatible with an older windows OS. You CAN still record audio over USB into a daw without overbridge, but it would just be a master track. If you want to record jams and have them tracked out, then overbridge would be the way to go. If you want to record single track jams you can do that without overbridge. If you want to record things you’ve composed as tracks on hardware you can always record them one track at a time without overbridge.

Like I said though if the computer doesn’t go online then there’s probably not much harm in disabling the driver signature enforcement, I mean I don’t even know if there are still viruses or phishing which targets older windows. Their malware probably isn’t compatible with your OS either at this point, but I’d play it safe and if you use that computer online I’d experiment with the other audio over USB recording options first.

Normally, an Elektron device that can be used as an audio interface can do this stuff. First you have to select it as the source in your DAW and then if you want to monitor through the Elektron box (headphones) you have to select the device as your playback/output also. If you have monitor speakers hooked up to your computer, you can choose your normal playback device or audio interface for that.

Not sure I have any better advice unfortunately :tongue:

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