WMD Geiger Counter Pro

I paid a bit more to get the limited edition version (50 made) of this because I’ve wanted the non-Pro version for years, and this cool limited edition version seems like it would look really nice next to a Digitone.

Here’s a cool little demo I found of how nice the non-Pro one could sound on drums. The Pro version should sound even nicer due to the additional dry/wet and filter it has.

Demos of the Pro:


It’s here, but I have to buy a power adapter before I can try it out.


Its been a while, but do you like it? Everything I hear on web sounds over the top, i was thinking civilian issue , to make synths dusty sometimes, but not to kill the sound completely lol

If you’re concerned about being over the top, you should definitely try to get the Pro version due to the wet/dry knob it has.

I don’t have mine anymore, but I think it sounds great when used subtly. It can sound like old school samplers and overdriven mixers.

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thanks , that is good advice. So with out dry/wet knob, it is not possible to make it subtle ? using gain knob ?

Actually, you should be able to get some subtle full wet sounds with the more basic waves.

Thank you very much! I ques I should just try it now :smiley:

I tried various bitcrushers/distortions etc.
Geiger Counter Pro does it for me, shaping possibilities are endless.
But the actual trick is to find the best possible balance between the dry signal and the wet one, but also the other parameters are playing a very important role in this.
Mix, Gain, Level, Tone and Master are all there to shape your sound, so it does not have to result in destroying things, it can sound really subtle if you want.

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thanks, it looks like great pedal for shaping sounds, but there is no demos, well, no demos in the roll of subtle tone shaper. Pro looks much better, but it is very price, so I was thinking civilian issue. It is limited, but I like less options on the pedal that has no preset storage. Only downside is there is no wet/dry control , and that is a shame /:

what about the Malekko Scrutator, this one has a nice filter and mix knob as well.
I am using both pedals. I bought the Malekko years ago, still an awesome pedal. I am using it if I quickly need some bitcrushing. I use the WMD more for complex situations or if I really want to find that sweet spot. However, most of the times I use them for drumsounds, source is a mono sound, but I am splitting it in 2 channels in my mixer, 1 is going in the pedal and from the pedal in the mixer, 2nd one goes directly into the mixer, those 2 are combined in the mixer, this works mostly better, especially with drumkicks, as you can level both wet and dry sound more precise, at least to my experience and depending on the mixer you use, you can eq both the wet and dry seperately.

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I like Malekko staff, it is an option, but it lacks wave table part. I was thinking about mixer scenario too, if civilian issue will bee to brutal as an insert processor. Thanks for your suggestion, it certainly is an option. I will look in to it.