Analog Rytm OS 1.70 Upgrade’s Rytm MKII shopping page went from 502 Bad Gateway to Out of Stock here in the US after I hit reload :laughing:.

Locally, Robotspeak currently has a used MKII available with Decksaver… wonder how long that will last. I see a couple on Craigslist also.

Demand is outstripping supply. People are feeling the Rytm.

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Amazing update and completely unexpected.

The new machines sound ace - especially the raw oscillators of the Sid machine - and for once my rytm seems well tuned (mine took 3.5 hours to calibrate). Extending the range of the dvco and fine tuned sample start / end is awesome. Not got my head around the generative functions yet, but that is a massive change for elektron.

This certainly puts my desire for 01/1V to bed for while.


Thomann lowered the price from 1799 euro to 1599

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Sorry if this has been addressed, but: mine seems to be stuck on the rebooting screen:

It’s been on this screen for about 5 mins with no change - progress bar graphic is not moving.

I left it to calibrate. When I came back, it said to press “Yes” to exit screen. After I press yes, am I good to go?



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Weird, it should reboot almost instantly. At that point I think the only thing you can do is to manually reboot and see if it picks up from there.


I turned it off, then back on, and it immediately started the bootstrap upgrade. Off and then on again, and now I’m getting the calibration screen. Whew! Thanks for the quick reply!


Tried the track level trick, it worked! Moved the encoder and was able to hit yes and enter the calibration.


Elektron and this Rytm keep giving. Really enjoy the new sounds possibilities.

Randomize is really fun way to mix things up. I have already been making extensive use of it!


you will probably be plagued with this when calibration is done (my calibration went smooth), until they release a fix, you’ll probably have to wiggle that knob to get it to function properly everytime you boot it

(this is the world i’m stuck in now)

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Fine start & end point on samples are also working on the MK1 :raised_hands:


Oh this HH Lab is nasty.

Love the Euclidean. I mean, I’m only twisting knobs with no understanding of what I’m doing (will RTFM), but the results are good fun. I’m sure there’s a ton to be done with this. Will pair beautifully with my modular.

Thank you @Elektron Not many companies out there breathing new life into 10 year old units (again and again and again).


ı’m using mk1 and after the update when i push an encoder and turn the value doesn’t go faster as it used to be, does anyone else have that ?

If you’re interested in how to use SY CHIP, I made this little guide including some demos of what can be done with it:


I thought this too but there seems to be a change in that which got finer resolution (BD tune and sample start/end for example), holding gives you finer control. Some parameters work as expected. I might be wrong though…but it’s definitely different for some parameters.

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but the mk1 one didn’t get update on resolution its only on mk2 i guess?

nice! I so need to update mine this weekend and play with the new features! Euclidian is great fun on modular drums and can only imagine what it can do for me on making beats with the Rytm!

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sorry yeah you’re right it does work as expected on other parameters

In the readme the two changes I mentioned above do not show “[MKII]”